Friday, November 6, 2009

A Thief at FSU

Well I am sad to say that there will not be new pictures on the blog in the next little while because our camera was stolen. Yes, stolen. I (Jen) am at Florida State University finishing up my research for my final paper. On Thursday the graduate students told me I needed to see campus and so they walked over to Starbucks and showed me the beautiful campus. I left my bag in the choral library with at least 4 other bags. They have left their belongings in this room for years without any incident. So upon our return (we were gone about 20-25 minutes) I walked into the room to get my bag because I had an interview with the Director of Choral Activities, Andre Thomas and my bag was not there. Neither was one of the other students bags, but all of the other bags were untouched. Everyone started a search while I went into the interview because he only had limited time. Everyone sprung into action and looked in garbage cans, dumpsters, bushes, etc. but the bags were not found. What was in my bag? My wallet, camera, cell phone and.....all of my research for my final paper that I have collected over these last three trips. I couldn't even think about it. I just prayed....I was interviewing Andre Thomas and at the same time praying! Finally a policeman came and we had to fill out a report. I called Matt and he immediately canceled everything. Then he proceeded to figure out how to get me on the plane, how to get me some money (since that was in the bag), etc. He was amazing.

But there is a pretty happy ending. The dean's of the school of music were also looking for our belongings and came across my bag and the other students stuff in a men's bathroom in a different music building. They walked in and I was afraid to black notebook was inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! Prayer does work I tell you--never doubt! So I am sad to say the thief took my beloved camera and cell phone and some money. But those things can be replaced. So please be patient while my amazing husband searches us out a new (cheap but excellent) camera.

I am so thankful to Grandma and Grandpa Garrett who came to play with Abby so that Matt could still teach and write his dissertation while I was gone. This was the first trip I could not take her on (couldn't leave her in a very cheap hotel with lots of little ants in the bathroom during the day). It was so, so, so very hard to be away from her. She's my traveling buddy. But Grandma and Grandpa have taken wonderful care of her. She will not want them to leave! Florida State was wonderful (except for losing my things) and I am very excited to go home tomorrow!