Monday, March 11, 2013

Christmas 2012

This year we did things a little differently.....we always travel and we are always surrounded by cousins and family.  But this year it was a year to be with Matt's family and his sister and family went to Wyoming to be with Brandon's family.  So we decided to invite Great Grandma Ruth, Grandma Barbara and Grandpa Roger up to our house for Christmas.  I've never had a Christmas at my own house before--really this was a first.  It was a nice, less stressful Christmas and I know that we are so blessed.  When all said and done, we are looking forward to lots of cousin fun next year!
Sunday the 23rd grandparents arrived.
 Christmas Eve!

Opening one gift on Christmas Eve...matching pajamas!
Presents ready for the kids....
 Waiting at bottom of stairs on Christmas morning (tradition)
 Present opening time!  What did Santa bring?  An outdoor playhouse!
Grocery carts from Uncle Brent and Aunt Nicole (and Lincoln)
 From Grandma and Grandpa Garrett
 From Grandma and Grandpa Wilcox
Other gifts

 So many fun things!
 Stay tuned for the putting together of the playhouse on a chilly Bakersfield day.
Merry Christmas!

Pre-Christmas Festivities

Leading up to Christmas there are always fun days in our home.
 Abby's Christmas preschool party happened on December 20th and I went to help with the party.  They ate and did lots of crafts.  The kids had a great time.

 On the 21st I hired some of the young women in our Ward--the Henrie girls to come help me clean the house before Christmas day.  My hands just struggle when I clean and I end up not being able to use them at all.  So they were wonderful to agree to help me.  When they arrived they brought the girls and ice cream game and they were so excited.  We love Brooke, Devan, McKenna and McKall!

 Big sis riding on little sis?  Go Lexy!
 Our Ward Choir did a marvelous job on our Sacrament Christmas program on the 23rd and I wanted to express my thanks to them for all of their dedication and willingness to share their talents throughout the year.   So I had a little Ward Choir Christmas party.  Not everyone was able to come because many had family in town but we had a great time and had yummy treats.

I am very thankful to be the Monica Ward Choir Director.  It's a calling I've basically had since I was 17 and I love it.  I love to bring the spirit into Sacrament meetings, teach members of the Church more about music and to get to bear my testimony through them each week as we practice and when we sing.  I know that we don't ever have enough time but I also know that the spirit it there and that when that happens, things come together and all are blessed-especially me.

Photo Shoot

Our wonderful friend, Cindy Rasmussen takes incredible pictures and we had her take pictures of our family in December for our Christmas card.  Lily had a really difficult time as she needed a nap and just did not want her picture taken.  I think it is her age because Abby was the same at her age!  We drove out to a walnut orchard and it was a beautiful place to take the pictures.  She took some amazing pictures.  Thanks Cindy!
Garrett Family Pics

Abby, Lily and Lexy

Alexis Imogene Garrett (Lexy)

Lily Elizabeth Garrett

Abigail Amanda Garrett

Matt and Jen