Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So how about that presidential race? What a selection--a young inexperienced charmer relying upon affirmative action sympathizers vs. a pessimistic grumpy old man who, quite frankly, terrifies me. I don't know what do to. I sure don't trust either one of them. I've got lots of conflicting allegiances:

I'm Mormon = morally conservative (+1 republicans);
I'm an academic (+1 democrats);
I'm fiscally liberal (+1 democrats);
I support the War in Iraq (+1 republicans);
I can't rationalize war expenditures when I see extreme domestic poverty (+1 democrats);
Health care is my greatest concern (+1 democrats);

What to do?

I think it comes down to two basic philosophies. (1) Do you fear change and advocate for the status quo (conservativism/republicans), or (2) do you believe we should risk making blunders and try to change things (democrats)? I guess it really comes down to this--are you a pessimist or an optimist?

I choose to be an optimist. Sure, democrats have plenty of odd fixations and dumb blunders, but I choose to try and make things better. How about you?


B. said...


Caryn said...

Does that mean your voting Obama?! What about the whole democratic destroying the family through gay rights bit? Or, do you think they are no greater threat of than that republicans. This is one of my main concerns. I'm all about tolerance and kindness, but I definitely don't want homosexuality promoted like some agendas serious push. It's a tricky call. What do you think?

Matt, Jen & Abby said...

Ya, I'm not a fan of the social agenda of the democrats, but I think the republican's fiscal policy is equally deplorable, so its a wash. The most important factor to me--health care--tips me to the one side.

If you consider the parties' positions, they are both pretty hypocritical. The Republicans want government to stay out of everybody's biz, unless it comes to social issues; they want to cut spending, unless it comes to the military. Democrats want a more involved government when it comes to fiscal issues, but not when it comes to moral/social issues.

I've thought about running for office, but I cannot reconcile my beliefs with either party. I may have to wait until the next electoral realignment.
