Thursday, February 12, 2009

Health Issues

So, my last post explained that Abby had the cold, the flu, and an ear infection. She is starting to feel better now, though she still has nasty diarrhea. Generally, her tummy feels better and she is eating. Jen, on the other hand, now has pneumonia. She visited the doctor this morning, who told her she could come home as long as she stayed in bed. If she chooses to go do things, he will admit her. So now I need to swing by someplace and get some handcuffs. I think my parents are driving out tonight to offer extra help, so things should move along fine. Hopefully my girls will be back to normal in a little while. We'll probably get lots of pampering.


Sara said...

I hope you guys get better soon. Even though we are in Gilbert, I am more than happy to bring you dinner or watch Abby for the day for you guys!

Greg and Tammy said...

Let me know if we can help! I'm sure Emma would LOVE LOVE LOVE some play time with Abby. Serious. Please call if you need us. 480-838-9215 or 602-819-7105 (cell). Send our love to Jen.

Julie Williams said...

Jen, get better soon! You will be in our prayers. We love you guys. Abby--Happy Birthday, and glad you are feeling better.

Amy said...

Oh, poor Jen! How miserable. I hope you feel better soon!

Jessica W said...

Matt, this is Jenn we're talking about, you'd better get TWO pairs of handcuffs! I hope everyone is feeling better soon- we'll keep you in our prayers!

Jen said...

How come when you want to be in bed, you have things to do, but when you have to stay in bed, it's the last place you want to be? Our thoughts are with your family!

Caryn said...

You do need handcuffs! I'm not near y'all as much as I'd like, but I know Jen and she DOESN'T have an off button. I do hope you can make her stay in bed!! We will definitely send some prayers heavenward for you. We love you madly and look forward to the pictures from the birthday party!!!
All our lovin'
the Ras'

Short Family said...

Hey that is not good! I hope you all get feeling better soon! Our prayers are with you!