Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Language Barrier

So, a good friend wanted to make a music video and I promised to help. As it turned out, he needed to film and edit it on short notice and so while we were in Utah he used our camera to film and when we got back in town I gave him a short three minute tutorial and gave him my computer to work on. Below is the movie he created for his family get together this summer (each family in the family was to produce a music video).


Sara said...

That was funny! I'll have to show Dale.

Jessica said...

That is too funny!! Oh I am so glad you posted this. Tell Paul and Carly that I thought this was AWESOME.

Jessica said...

That is too funny!! I am so glad you posted this! Tell Paul and Carly that I thought this was AWESOME.

coxlopes said...

What? Paul, paul, paul - or should I say "Pablito, Pablito, Pablito"? That's going to be one for the next ward talent night - I can feel it.