Saturday, September 4, 2010

5 Days Until Daddy

This morning Abby and I went with our friends Carric and Jenny to just have fun in IKEA. We did not go to spend money--just thought it would be a really fun place for her to run and play. She ran around, climbed into various wardrobes and cupboards, bounced on beds and even stole Carric's soft serve ice cream!
Here are Carric and Abby having a little "tea" time!
Abby trying out the "big girl" beds.
Abby stealing Carric's ice cream.
A fun trip to IKEA.
After Abby took a brief nap after IKEA we went to Mesa to teach one of my piano students, Hannah. Her whole family welcome us with open arms whenever we come and we will miss them so much when we leave.
Only 5 more days Daddy! We better finish packing.

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