Recently Matt and I were asked to speak at a Young Single Adult Fireside. We were a bit surprised by the request until we heard the topic: Educational Goals. I guess we have a little bit of experience on this subject! So we both prepared and last Sunday were able to share our thoughts. Looking back on my 11 years of formal education truly brought back memories. I am so grateful for countless opportunities and experiences, amazing friends, professors and colleagues, the chance to fulfill some of my dreams, and also the challenges. It is on those challenges that my thoughts dwell this evening.
During my years at BYU a friend gave me one of the new Harry Potter books and wrote a letter on the inside. He said that if he had a magic wand and could wave away trials, he would not wave mine away. I thought this was strange at first, but over the years I've come to realize the wisdom in his comments. The challenges I've faced, although sometimes overwhelming, have truly shaped me into the person I am today, provided me so much appreciation for life, have given me greater ability to listen and understand, and have helped me to learn to love as my Savior loves (although I still have so far to go in all of these categories).
In regards to my Mom's new challenges, a friend said, "Why does life have to be
this difficult?" I've thought about that a lot and I believe that trials happen for a reason. I believe, as many do that we are supposed to learn something, supposed to grow and gain strength. I also believe that Heavenly Father shows a great amount of trust in us when he gives us a trial or challenge. He places something in our path and knows that we CAN endure well. Part of that enduring, I believe, is turning to Him. I think some of my trials have come simply to remind me to turn to Him and that I need Him ("every hour" as one of my favorite hymns expresses). My talk for the fireside ended with a quote from Elder Dallin H. Oaks. It reads:
“We may have to struggle to achieve our goals, but our struggles may yield as much growth as our learning. The strengths we develop in overcoming challenges will be with us in the eternities to come. The stuff of growth was never made of ease, and persons who have it easy will need to experience their growth with other sacrifices or forego the advancement that is the purpose of life.”
I do believe that growth and sacrifice are part of our mortal journey here and hope and pray that I have and will be able to handle my growth well. I know that my Mom is facing a lot of this now and hope she knows that I wish I could be there to hold her hand, or just to make her smile. But since I am not, I hope that she knows I am always with her in spirit as she always has been for me. How thankful I am to have the gospel in my life and to know that we are never alone.