Monday, December 31, 2012

Catching up! Little Daniel....

Since May life has been a little busy!  So it's time to catch up and let you see our beautiful girls!
But before we show off our three beautiful girls we need to show you an amazing little boy that was in our home for a few days and touched our lives.  
We told the caseworkers we were interested in a boy since we have 2 little girls and before we knew it we received a call about a little boy that seemed very adoptable!  We were so excited when we received a call on Friday, May 11th.  They said we could pick up a little boy later that same day!  I ran to the store and bought a few things such as a car seat so that we could bring him home.  At 3 p.m. we went to pick him up and saw our caseworker that we worked with for Lily.  She asked if we were here to pick up Lily's sister.  We looked at her with questioning faces as we assumed she went home with the parents.  Apparently, the little girl was removed just as Lily was and for some reason we were not called.  We should have been the first ones called.  She expected us to take her, but we wanted a little boy and were so excited about the one we were picking up.  The caseworker was not happy with us and we did not know what to do.  The little boy (Daniel) was already there for us to pick up.  So in the end we took him home.  Here he is.
May 13th:
Family Pic
Mother's Day gift
But no sooner had we got him home than we received a call from caseworkers saying that they did not have the whole story on the little boy.  We were told he was almost definitely adoptable but then they found out that the man claiming to be his father wanted him.  But there would be a paternity test necessary to prove he was the father and results would take 6 weeks.  They were pretty sure that he was the Dad, so it was likely we would have Daniel for that time and then lose him--plus Lily's sister was waiting in the system....what to do.  It became clear to us that Daniel would need to go to another home and that we would welcome Lily's baby sister into our home with open arms.  We were sad to see little Daniel go--he was so little and so sweet.  We pray with all our hearts that his life is wonderful and that he has all of the things he needs.

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