Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Natalie Visits

Our friend Natalie from Arizona came to visit us in May!  Natalie took Abby to do so many fun things when we lived in Arizona and Abby adores her.  We left Arizona when Abby was only two, yet Natalie is mentioned in almost all of Abby's prayers and I can't think of a day when Abby didn't mention her name.  Needless to say, we were very excited to have her with us!  I was particularly excited because Natalie helped me so much in adjusting to having 3 girls!  Sometimes she would just hold or feed Lexy while I took care of Abby and Lily's needs.  I am not sure what I would have done without her.
We picked Natalie up at the Bakersfield airport on May 26 and took her to a pow wow!

 Sunday morning (Lily was teething and not feeling well)

More fun with Natalie!

 On the 29th we headed down to LA to visit Matt's family and the LA Zoo.  We had so much fun at the zoo!

 After the hot zoo we came back to Grandma's and Grandpa's for some soothing pool time.
Lexy's first time in a pool--does she like it?

Dance on May 31.  Natalie made Abby the skirt!
We gave a couple of our koi to friends in our ward who lost the fish in their pond to birds.
 Easier said than done!
 Library story time on June 1
We found out Natalie was soon to be engaged so we took her to do some wedding dress shopping!

 June 3 Lexy
 June 4
Red Robin for lunch!
Another dance day with Natalie--preparing for the recital!

 Preschool swim party June 6

 Preschool gift from Sister Ricks
 Getting ready for dance class pictures
Abby got a little emotional before pictures and we had to try to calm her down.  We finally succeeded in getting her to take a picture but it was pretty obvious she's been crying--she gets thus puffy, swollen eyes!
Time to say farewell to our friend
We love you Natalie!  Thank you for helping us so much in the last 2 weeks.

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