Sunday, May 25, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Isn’t she mischievous? My baby is so beautiful. Right now she is in Washington with her mom and Jen's family. They won’t return for a few more days. I hear Abby isn’t sleeping well in the house full of babies, so Jen isn’t either. I'll try to appreciate the quiet and rest I get here. Still, I miss them.
In these photos Jen experiments with new bows. Is hideous too strong a word?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Here are some pics from the last few days. We left Tempe and flew to Washington to see family.
Abby finally meets uncle Jeremiah during our visit to Washington. Washingtonians will notice he is supporting the correct cougar squad.

Jen's sister Tiff ran a marathon this weekend and we rooted her accross the finish line.
Daddy loves Abby.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Making Banana Bread w/ Abby
Here I spy on Jen and Abigail making banana bread. It tastes soo good.
The other night we attended a dinner party with Jen's schoolmates. Kim Badger loved to hold Abby, and it looks like Abby loved it too. Our little girl is sure easy going. She gets passed around like a family style Chinese dish and never complains.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Schools Out for Summer
So that is my summer. As for Jen, she gets to play mom finally. She doesnt have any major summer projects--no exams to prep for and no dissertation to write--so she will mostly play with Abby. She does have to prep for her choirs and is thinking about her final paper topic, but she'll have much more free time.
Now, I know your not visiting the blog to hear me complain, so here are some more pictures and a short video.
I played in the stake softball tournament. Here I drive one at the shortstop who, fortunately, was terrible. I got to first base on the error and we slaughtered them. The second game was equally lopsided, except it was my team that played terrible. I'm still working on a good excuse.
Today I remembered that Abby has a foam seat we've not yet used, so I took it out and found that she sits up quite well in it. I gave her some toys and she actually played with them (for the first time). See the video below. By the way, her eyes dont really look like that all the time, but this looked so funny I had to post it.