I feel terrible. Abby and I did make it to Washington and we've had a wonderful time, but I have not posted anything since we got here. Matt is probably so lonely and he hasn't even been able to see a picture of Abby. So I will make amends with less words and more pics. Here goes:
June 19 (Sunday): First, a few pics when we were at Matt's parents in California.
Abby chatting with Great Granny Ruth in her bedroom
Grandpa Roger with both grand kids eating ice cream.
Matt torturing his sister Heather--notice that her spouse does not mind at all!
June 20: Abby and Dex playing in the kitchen.
Abby is the best traveler and this time she had her own backpack to carry on the plane. She was very excited.
Eating pizza with Daddy before the flight.
On the flight in her own seat.
We arrived in WA on Monday the 20th and were able to quickly see my sister, Tiff and her family. Abby was so excited to see them and I even let her stay up late because they were having so much fun. My sister and brother-in-law Jeremiah have four wonderful kids: Brynley, Kylee, Kennedy and Caleb. The girls all slept underneath the basketball game in the playroom. Abby was keeping all of the girls awake with her endless energy and laughter. Her cousins are so much fun and she was sad when they left to go to a family reunion in Utah.
Brynley bathed Abby and brought her down the stairs in the towel.
June 21: Abby, Kennedy and Kylee
Lunch outside on the deck
Reading books
Jen feeding Caleb
Tiff ran errands and I helped the kids accomplish their list of chores. They did a great job and ended up with a surprise treat: slurpies!
Sleeping kids on the way to Grandma and Grandpa's.
When they arrived at Grandma and Grandpa's it was straight to the sprinkler.

Grandpa trying to figure out what Abby is doing--she hops on one foot all of the time.
Yummy barbecue
Tiff with Abby and Jen

After the cousins left Abby played with Kevin and Kylee--they live with my parents right now with their Mom, Wendie and are the greatest blessing.
June 22: taking Grandma to her infusion.
Dinner with Grandma and Grandpa and Happy Teriyaki: yum!

June 23: Nature Trail

Cuddling with Grandma
My sister-in-law Alix made a really cool quilt for my parents with the grandkids pictures on it.
They loved it.

June 24: helping Grandma with errands
Watching Grandpa bike home from work.
Jen's Chinese food (only egg rolls and fried rice)
June 25: met up with Grandpa and Uncle Jerry during their 90 mile bike ride training for the STP (Seattle to Portland bike ride)

Playing on playground after seeing Grandpa

Wrestling with Grandpa

June 26: My Dad and I played the organ for prelude and then performed our own arrangement of "How Great Thou Art." We took a piano solo and then made it into a duet. I love to play with my Dad and I think the congregation really enjoyed the music.

Sunday night we went up to my Aunt Christie and Uncle Jerry's for really yummy dinner.
Jerry ate with Abby up at the bar.

Christie and Abby and Jen.

Jen and Grandma Karen.
Super yummy homemade apple pie.
Well, that takes my through Sunday! I will catch up on the rest later--now it's way past time for bed and Abby will be up before I know it.
Your girls miss you and love you Mattie/Daddy!
Abby chatting with Great Granny Ruth in her bedroom

Brynley bathed Abby and brought her down the stairs in the towel.

They loved it.

Jerry ate with Abby up at the bar.

Your girls miss you and love you Mattie/Daddy!