I just cannot seem to get caught up, so here are more pictures from Washington! We had a great fourth of July, but let's have a few from July 3rd. We took some pictures after Church.
Wendie and her two great kids live with my parents and Abby had so much fun with them. Wendie's kids have these stuffed dogs and Abby absolutely loved them. She took good care of them while the kids were staying with their Dad. July 4th we flew Grandpa's plane down at Black Lake. I just happened to see my high school choral director, Jack Arend while at the lake. It was so nice to see him again. Then we went to our friends the Dobson's house and celebrated with good food, a slip and slide, great company and fireworks. It was a wonderful fourth of July and we even had gorgeous weather! Jeremiah threw the kids down the slide and slide--it was Abby's first time! Then he of course had to go down himself. Grandma Karen and Nikki. Abby was afraid of the fireworks, but Uncle Jerry calmed her down and held her while we watched. What a great day!