If you haven't been to Mill Avenue in Tempe, it is a fun place to walk. This morning Abby and I walked over to Mill and walked up and down much of it. Abby loved looking in the shops and watching the people. She ended up getting 3 powdered donut holes--she bites into one and then goes for the other. All in all she might have eaten one!

Since my calling as Ward Choir Director pretty much ended on Sunday I decided I should clean up the choir folders and organize the music. We spent a good hour and a half on it and Abby helped me throw away a lot of things. We will have to go back another day because the music still lacks organization and I do not want to turn it over to someone else that way.
I received good news today--no more packing my "owie!" Doctor Feldman said it will take a while longer to heal, but I can cover it with a good bandade now. Abby loves Doctor Feldman and played with his stethoscope. She even made him listen to his own heart which he promptly announced was not there!

Abby has a friend named Caely that moved to Tuscon. She came back for her uncle's cross country meeting tonight and so Abby went with Caely to the meet. They enjoyed swinging and playing in the grass.

Abby, Natalie and Caely

Abby on the slide--taken with a phone so it is small!

Only 8 more days Daddy and we will be united again!
This is a video of Abby at the end of our walk. You can hear her say, "Abby turn" which is her way of saying "I can do it myself." Her ABC's are getting better!