So, at church I work with the young men, and it was a young men's weekend. I was set to go camping with the priests on Friday, bu on Thursday it rained harder than it has in a year, so we cancelled the camp out portion and just got up early and met at 5:30 on Saturday. We ate eggs and bacon for breakfast (together) and then drove out to Needle Rock Park for a few hours of paintball.
The rangers eventually kicked us out, but not before I got to terrorize my boys. Apparently, there is some rule against shooting firearms while defenseless folks ride through the park. Who would'a thought?
Below you see Charlie, after I shot him.

After paintball with the priests, Jen and Abby and I attended a baptism for Vincent, a 14 year old convert. It was nice to go to church in something other than a white shirt, for once. I always feel like I should wear white on Sundays. How can I ask the youth to do something I wont? But for the baptism, I broke out the blue shirt.
I cant wait for school to start so I can have to wear more nice clothes. During the summer I just sit around in shorts and a T-shirt, but that wont fly when I'm teaching class.

Jen posed with Abby too. Aren't they cute?