Wow how time flies. Traveling makes for lots of pictures and not much time to put them on the blog. This post will be mainly catching up which means lots of pics and not much for words. Probably just as you would like!
I will begin with the rest of our wonderful Washington trip.
My Mom and I took Abby to a Children's Museum in downtown Olympia and she loved every room.
Abby the farmer:

Look Daddy, I can water just like you!
Abby the cashier:
Abby said, "I'm workin' Mom."
Abby the foreman:
Abby the sailor:
Abby the medic:
Abby the doctor:

Abby the musician:
What a fun place--she wants to go back!
My Dad builds and flies model airplanes and so he took Abby to the lake by their house and let her drive the plane on the water and showed her how it flies. She was very excited.

Tumwater Falls Park is one of my favorite places back home so I took Abby one afternoon. We walked around and saw all of the waterfalls and played on the boats I played on as a kid.

On July 2nd, Abby, Grandma, Grandpa, and I went up to my sister Tiffany's. The kids played outside and Uncle Jeremiah threw some of the kids down the slip and slide. They had popsicles, played with water guns and just had fun being outside.
My first popsicle Mom! (Mom looks on in the background.)

Well this is a start in catching up! More to come!
My Mom and I took Abby to a Children's Museum in downtown Olympia and she loved every room.
Abby the farmer:

My Dad builds and flies model airplanes and so he took Abby to the lake by their house and let her drive the plane on the water and showed her how it flies. She was very excited.