I am off to help the Young Women with their musical number for New Beginnings soon, but I want to get a blog post off before I go! I love helping music be a special part of our new ward!
First, Matt invited his home teaching companion and their family and one of the family's he home teaches over for dinner on January 28th. We had a great time getting to know them and enjoying their beautiful children. One had a 3 month old and the other had a 6 month old. It only made us want to get another child so badly! For those that don't know, we were approved for adoption again a year ago and when we arrived in California we not only had to meet the California criteria, we also had to redo our entire file due to some problems with our file in Arizona. So we are almost finished with everything we have to do and we will be back up on the LDS Services website (pray the fingerprinting clearances come back quickly from the other states we lived in--that is the major hold up!). So please, PLEASE remember us if you ever hear of someone looking for a home for their child. Abby prays every night for a brother or sister and she would be the best big sister ever! Anyways, we had a wonderful time with our new friends and hope to have them over again!
One Tuesday, January 31st Abby went to gymnastics, but this time it was on her own! She is taking a different class at the advice of her teacher. I was not worried about her skill level, but a little concerned that she might not understand the idea of sitting and listening and waiting her turn. She did pretty well, although she tried to follow behind the teacher as she worked with each kid instead of sitting on the balance beam with the others. We are working on little things, but she did a great job and she will learn a lot in this class!
Waiting to go inside for her class. Notice the new leotard--she used her Christmas money from Great Granny Ruth to buy it for gymnastics. Thanks Granny!
Working with her teacher, Miss Sunny.
Much of the time Abby was wandering while the other kids sat on the beam. It looked something like this!
Abby running to jump off the spring board.
Abby, Matt and I found a nice park in Bakersfield by accident! There was a nice play area, water fountains, bridge over the water, etc. It will be a great place for picnics! You can see Abby running in the bottom of the first picture!

Thursday I had the opportunity to do a workshop at Cal State University Bakersfield. It was for a high school theatre workshop and my workshop was called, "Singing the Musical Theatre Songs." I had a great group of students and taught them some information about breathing, posture, warm-ups, etc. and then we learned a song from the musical Rent called, "Seasons of Love." They loved the song and even auditioned for some solos. We had to move quickly, but by the end they sang through the song and sounded great. I really enjoyed the opportunity and hope to have many more opportunities like this!
Saturday, February 5th we all went to our friend Roegan's 5th birthday party. It was a Star Ward party and so Abby picked out Star Wars legos! We had a great time at the party!
Here is the cake his Mom, Amber made--awesome huh?

Abby jumping on the tramp at the party
Abby turns 3 this week! Prepare for Abby birthday pictures next Sunday! We are having a "choo choo" party on on Friday with family. Abby is very excited.

Waiting to go inside for her class. Notice the new leotard--she used her Christmas money from Great Granny Ruth to buy it for gymnastics. Thanks Granny!

Here is the cake his Mom, Amber made--awesome huh?