On Monday, June 27th, My Dad and Mom, Abby, Aunt Christie, Uncle Jerry and I went over to our friend's the Sampson's for a really fun, somewhat rainy barbecue. They have the most beautiful house and yard and we all had a great time. Abby was able to play with new toys--especially a train and an enormous stuffed dog, and we all sat outside, roasted hot dogs and made smores. Jerry even decided to my 'berry smores' which included fresh cut up strawberries. It actually looked really good.

Mattie, a picture of the glass fence at the Sampson's. . . .(we would like to do the same around our pond if possible).

Tuesday (28th) Abby went up and played with Jerry for a little while and I took my Dad in to have a spot on his skin removed at the doctor. I of course watched and took pictures.

On the drive home we even saw some elk in the field. We tried to get Abby and show her too, but they were gone when we came back.

Jerry and Abby after a fun play date.

I learned something interesting on Tuesday: do not give a child a hostess cupcake while driving in a car. As you can see, Abby liked it, but boy did we clean up a mess! I think that was her first hostess cupcake ever. Maybe her last!

We also went and saw all of the boats in Puget Sound while my Mom had a massage therapy appointment. It was a little chilly, but Abby even got to get up close to one of the boats.

Wednesday, June 29 we went back up to Puyallup to my sister's to help with the kids while she ran to an appointment in Seattle. We had a great time and I even got a hair cut! It's completely different and I love it! Matt will be happier because it is much shorter.
Grandma Karen with the grandkids: Kylee, Abby, Kennedy, Brynley

Lunch time and dinner time

New hair!

On July 1st I had a grand adventure at the ophthalmologist. I thought I'd been battling some allergies but Friday morning I realized that my eyes were rather jelly and almost "fish-eye-like." Tricky to explain, but they did not look good. The family doctor said I should have a specialist look at them just to make sure, so we ventured over to the specialist and ended up with some eye drops that sting my eyes and an unsure diagnosis. But they are getting much better. You just never know what a day will bring.
There are more pics to share, but I think this is enough to post tonight and my eyes are telling me to go to bed! So more pics soon!