Here Mellisa and Jessica help prep some food for the hamburgers.
Tiffany (and son Tommy) sits by Tina and Andina. Tina watches Abby for a few hours each week as Jen finishes her last class. Tina is great to Abby, and is teaching her Indonesian. Niel (Tina's husband) looks over the fouton at the camera as an hour-long "this is your life" video runs on the TV. In this shot you can see Amanda (Abby's birth mom).
Here is our good friend Chelsea. She worked with Jen at the university but now she stays at home with her daughter, Carma, while Dusty fights fires and saves lives. We miss them.
My two cute girls
My two cute girls
Cake's can be very scary, especially if you're one year old and already in a bad mood.
After eating cake we stripped Abby down to the diaper and sho opened gifts. Here is a puzzle from the Kendalls.
After eating cake we stripped Abby down to the diaper and sho opened gifts. Here is a puzzle from the Kendalls.
Abby even got a big box of gifts from her her birth father's family. She has many grandma's who care about her--7 by my count.
And here are a couple of videos so that you can get a good feel for the night.
I noticed we dont have anything showing how well Abby moves around right now, so here is a photo of Abby just walking around the front room, followed by a video.