Our first few days with Lily have been truly amazing. She is such a good baby and we love her to pieces. She simply must be ours forever!
Here are a few pictures so that you can see how cute she is!
Here are a few pictures so that you can see how cute she is!
Tuesday, August 2nd (1 month old)
Her first bath with us
Cute in purple

Wednesday, August 3rd
Her debut at Young Men's and Young Women's (everyone wanted to hold her)
Thursday, August 4th
Grandma, Heather, Dexter and Great Granny Ruth came and brought Abby back from playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Abby had the greatest time and still had more fun with them at our house.
Granny Ruth meets Lily. We decided to name her Lily Elizabeth and that is Ruth's middle name. She seemed overwhelmed when we told her and is very excited about it!
My girls and I!

Dexter and Abby in Lily's crib and playing in Abby's new blow up lion pool.

Tickled by Matt.
New fence went up around the pond! It's actually more clear than this--it looks so good in direct sunlight. You hardly know it is there.

My friend, Amanda Pitts brought us a wonderful dinner and dessert.
Thank you Amanda it was so delicious!
Friday, August 5th
Abby feeds Lily twice.

Lily ready for her visit with her birth parents (I don't like this part). Matt went to the temple with the youth, so it was just us girls the rest of the day.
During the visit Abby and I ran and errand and went to the park. First she scales the
wall and then says, "I did it!"

After we got home the girls we swam in the pool. Well, Lily let me put her feet in, but only for a moment--need to let the water warm up a bit!

This is how Lily often looks when she sleeps.
Oh how I love my girls!
Her first bath with us

Her debut at Young Men's and Young Women's (everyone wanted to hold her)

Grandma, Heather, Dexter and Great Granny Ruth came and brought Abby back from playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Abby had the greatest time and still had more fun with them at our house.
Granny Ruth meets Lily. We decided to name her Lily Elizabeth and that is Ruth's middle name. She seemed overwhelmed when we told her and is very excited about it!

Thank you Amanda it was so delicious!

Abby feeds Lily twice.

wall and then says, "I did it!"