What a day. I don't even know where to begin. You need to read the last paragraph of yesterday's blog before you read this because I won't bore you with the same story! Needless to say I got bit by a cat last night! When I woke up this morning I could not use my left arm. I couldn't go up and down, side to side, etc. It did not look bad--not even that bruised, but it was swollen and very painful. There were some other issues that complicated my problem and so I really needed help. I called Natalie and it was Natalie to the rescue! I could not lift my arm so I could not do my hair. So she did Abby's and my hair this morning and then she barely made it to her ward to play the organ! She is the best. I also got a blessing from members of our bishopric on their way to meetings. My visiting teacher also went and retrieved my antibiotics from a pharmacy and I took them before choir. They cost a fortune--yikes. Not a good month for a large extra bill. But all of this helped me get to choir rehearsal and we had an excellent rehearsal. My ward choir is unbelievable and we sing for the last time together next week. We are expecting 50 people! I also sang in a musical number with amazing women.
I won't go into details but it was a rough day and I am so thankful for my friends. I came back after church and laid down for a little while and Abby played with friends. I truly am blessed. Maybe that is why it is hard to leave Tempe. Heavenly Father has blessed me abundantly and I do know that He will continually bless me in Bakersfield also.
One funny story--this morning I soaked my arm in some epson salt and hot water in a large bowl. I thought Abby would play in it so I had Natalie move it. She put it on top of the freezer and told me not to open the freezer. I forgot when I got home and opened the freezer to get some ice and barely missed the waterfall that ensued. The floor was covered and I ended up mopping my floor unexpectedly.
This morning Abby looked so cute and we took some pictures of her. Sorry they are the only pictures from today--but they are pretty cute! We love you so much Daddy and wish you were here.