This week began with playing the piano at Cal State University Bakersfield. I play the piano for five of the voice students and they had a recital Monday evening and their vocal juries on Tuesday. Everything went well and Abby enjoyed playing with Matt on Monday and with her friend SoJung on Tuesday. It also gave my hands and brain a pretty good work out too! The five kind students I played for ended up going together and getting me a gift card which was so kind of them.

I had an experience while at CSUB--it's interesting how you can be reminded that the Spirit speaks to us about even small and simple things. I changed my clothes for the recital on Monday night at CSUB. I changed in a bathroom stall and then used the mirror for a few minutes. As I left to go to the recital I looked around and gathered up my things. Something very clearly told me to go back to the stall, but I had already looked in there earlier out so I began to walk out. Then I was prompted again. So I opened the door and stared right at my car keys sitting on top of the toilet paper thing on the wall. It sounds like an insignificant thing, but I can just imagine myself after the recital, searching through my bag, dumping everything out looking for my keys and not knowing where they were. I probably would have found them eventually, but how wonderful that I did not have to go through all of that. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father watches out for me--even for the little things.
Tuesday and Thursday mornings we went to gymnastics and swimming. Matt came with us on Tuesday and that made it even more fun. Abby likes to do flips on Matt:

Abby wanted to show her Grandma's her new swimming suit.

Abby jumping in all by herself on Thursday!

This Friday night Matt had a camp out with the Young Men which meant a really fun Girls Night for Abby and I. After I finished teaching piano Abby wrote letter to her cousins Preston and Noah. They sent Abby a letter and so we sent one back. Then we walked to the mailbox to mail the letter.

After our walk we made some dinner and ate outside.

Abby showing off her Orange Julius mustache!

After a quick bath Abby picked out a movie--Kung Fu Panda and while we watched we painted our toe nails which even included little white flowers.

To finish off our movie we made popcorn and little chocolate milkshakes and sat cuddled up on the couch together.

To end our night we fed the fish (who only come out and eat at night), read the Book of Mormon, brushed teeth, prayed, sang our songs and went to sleep. Well, Abby went to sleep--I stayed up doing county adoption paperwork! What an amazing Girls Night!
Saturday morning I cleaned our house top to bottom since we had friends coming over on Sunday and I want to leave Matt with a really clean house before we head up to Washington this coming Saturday. While I cleaned I brought out a painting project for Abby and you can see just how much fun she had doing it!

Garden update:
We have a Roma tomato that is turning exciting!

Here is another tomato plant that now has tomatoes growing

I brought this Roma tomato plant back from Arizona. Look Megan--it's growing!

Clementine tree

Look closely--Clementine's? Not sure yet, but hopefully!

Lastly, I should provide an update on my wonderful mother. Abby and I originally planned to go up to Washington during my Mom's stem cell transplant so that I could help take care of her. Thursday my Mom found out that the doctors did not recommend doing the transplant as they knew it would do more harm than good. This was a little disappointing for my Mom, but she is doing well and we are looking forward to spending a couple weeks with her. She will now get to enjoy all the bundle of energy that is Abby and I can help her finish projects that are hanging over her head. We are really excited to spend time with my parents and my sister and her family.