Yes, the rumors are true. Normally I would not preempt the stake presidency on announcing a calling, but since Bishop Mortensen already leaked it and tons of people already know, we may as well confirm that Jen is, indeed, the seminary teacher for Tempe High School next year. Classes will meet from 7am-8am. It will make the year a bit more busy, but we think it is doable. Jen will also be directing Arizona Deseret Choir (the old Arizona Mormon Choir) and is gathering her supporters to infuse the choir with some new voices. She will also be teaching ASU's Women's Chorus. In her free time she is writing her final document and if all goes well she'll graduate in May 2010. I (Matt) will be teaching US West history at ASU--one traditional class and one online--and writing my dissertation. The dissertation is moving along well, but I'll need to really rush to also graduate in May 2010. Abby is, as usual, being cute. It is a full time job.