Well, today I received my first rejection letter. I've been sending out applications for faculty positions, post doctoral positions, and dissertation completion grants (if I dont get a job or a post doc I can always hope for an extra year of funding to perfect my dissertation). Today I received a letter from Dartmouth College that I will not be there next year. It was a LONG shot anyhow. They have a post doc position funded by thier humanities program, which means that anybody with a PhD in the humanities could apply. I'm sure they had hundreds of applicants, and by the promptness of this letter I did not make it through the first round of thier two-round review. I knew I had nearly no shot in the first round when compared to the other hundreds of applicants, but the second round is department specific and I thought I'd be competitive there if I got that far. Oh well, who wants to live in New Hampshire anyhow?