So Jen, Abby and I are now on the adoption circuit. That is my informal name for it. We are going to different schools and speaking to classes about adoption, and trying to help teens and young adults understand that it is not a scary shameful thing, but that it is a very real option for people trying to make the best of a difficult situation. According to one study, adoption only accounts for 1% of unplanned pregnancies. Some 50% keep the child and a shocking 49% turn to abortion. It is so sad that in a world with so many who want to be parents there are so many more who'd rather terminate the life. Many really just need to understand how wonderful adoption can be for them, thier child, and the lucky couple.
Today we spoke at a school in Gilbert. After one of the classes a young woman came up to Jen and asked to see Abby, and then confided that she just last week she learned she was pregnant. She only told her parents a couple days ago, and did not know what she would do. She said that after our presentation she felt more inclined toward adoption because she saw how much joy it could provide for everyone involved. Gone are the days of secret backroom exchanges, closed and hidden adoptions, and 18-year old identity crises. Today a birth-mother can hand pick her child's parents and keep in touch with them, often as much as she chooses. To illustrate this, we tell classes that we visit Amanda (Abby's birth mom) every so often, and even attended her wedding (Abby was the flower girl).
We were excited that somebody already benefited from our comments, and though there is only a TINY chance the young girl will chose adoption, use our agency, and select us, we feel certain we have helped her, her child, and the couple she may eventually select. Adoption really can be a blessing to all.