Well, we will chalk today up as another crazy adventure. We started out pretty normal--with a work out and breakfast. But this time Abby ate waffles like Matt likes! I took a picture for Matt.

Abby and I also wanted to take a picture of the two of us for Daddy.
Next I dropped off Abby at Tina's (our friend from Indonesia) so that I could quickly go to the doctor. Here is where the crazy adventure begins. Warning: this may be too graphic for people with weaker stomachs! It ends up that I had an infection and it turned into an abscess which needed to be removed. The area was already so sore that I could not even touch the skin. The doctor took one look at it and took my hand and said, "This is really going to hurt." Then the nurse came back in and knelt down in front of me and wanted to make sure I understood just how much it would hurt. I started to get a little nervous. So when she left I said some very fervent prayers for strength, courage and the ability to still smile! The procedure began with lidocaine--a lot of lidocaine to numb a large area. I could not believe how much it hurt. I handle pain pretty well, but this was pretty unreal. I just held onto the table for all I was worth. Then he took a scalpel and cut an X into my skin. Then he proceeded to use his fists to squeeze stuff out. I think he then cut more and continued to squeeze stuff out for quite a while. I just held onto the table, grunted, prayed, and sang the upcoming ward choir numbers I will direct on Sunday. The pain was--there aren't words. Let's just say I do not ever want to do that again. He said other people scream, swear, and cry--but I was not going to do any of those things. When he finished he wanted me to watch this part because I would have to do it myself in a few days. I looked and there was a big X in my skin and a very large hole underneath. He proceeded to stuff gauze into it (he called it "packing") and I was amazed at how much fit. I have to go in the next few days to have it repacked. When he finished I stood up and he said--"You are tough, really tough." He even let me drive myself home. I was shaking a bit from the experience, but okay. Sorry, no pictures--I will try to get one soon if I can.

The doc wanted someone to stay with Abbs and I tonight since I would be on pain meds I've never taken, so Natalie is having a slumber party with us. Natalie is in early childhood education and brought over a great craft called marbling. The white stuff in the pictures is shaving cream! You can see the process below.

Daddy: we love you! Thank you for setting everything up in our new house. We are excited to try everything out in a couple weeks.
Here is the craft on video: