A week ago we got to feeling very guilty about our lack of food storage. For those of you who are not Mormon, a three month food storage is a basic instruction given by the church which haunts the many of us who dont quite follow like we should. We finally decided to do something about it. The photo above is a little odd because its actually 3 shots I merged together to give you the feeling of our laundry room that is now our very crowded food storage room. On the top right I put in a new shelf above the doorway which holds a dozen boxes of cereal. I added shelving to the broom closet (the right side) and bought some can rotation systems that will help us eat the oldest stuff first. We also added the shelves on the left which sit above the not-so-visible laundry machines. The cabinets at the top are stuffed with fancy dishes and other odds, but they may have to be sacrificed (or at least moved elsewhere) to make space for more food. We just need to keep buying a few more items and then we'll feel like we're finally following the too-long ignored direction.