Last weekend we drove out to California for my sister's wedding. Heather married Brandon Urry, so now it appears that the perpetuation of our family surname is up to Jen and I. Anybody know any boys up for adoption? Below are some photos from the weekend, in no particular order, and a professional photo of Abby we took last week.

We call this one "Gangsta Abby"

Abby and her grandparents (Jen's side), Mark & Karen


Brandon's sisters

Here is Heather with our parents, Granny, Jen & Abby

Brandon tried to eat Abby--she is that cute.

Brandon's family--he's the only boy.

My old best friend from junior high & high school, Harry, drove in from Sacramento with his wife, Lisa, and their three children.

How is it possible for a woman to be this beautiful?

Uh-Oh. Jen has some competition in the beauty competition...

Brandon & Heather