Yesterday we returned home from our two week trip through California. We have lots of pictures and stories that I'll post later, but right now I have something else to share.
Google is Great.
Why is Google great? Because the almighty and mysterious gods who rule the internet and determine what web sites come up on a Google search have selected our cozy little site to come up as the very first hit when you type "Matt Jen Abby" or "Matt Jen" along with pretty much any word on our blog. Give it a try... "Matt Jen adoption" "Matt Jen college" "Matt Jen Utah" etc. (you get the idea).
While I have your attention, let me share another interesting thought. This evening I mowed the yard. It was 7pm and still over 100 degrees outside, so I took a shower afterward and found that if I just run the cold water it is still plenty warm for my shower. So, for the rest of the summer I'm going to just take cold showers and see if it is sufficiently comfortable and if it saves on our gas bill.
On another note, Abby is talking up a storm. She speaks more now than ever. Mostly she just repeats words we tell her. They don't quite sound correct, but she is on her way. We're also proud that of the 50 or so (mostly one but some two syllable) words she has said so far, she has never said the word "no." You see, we're not crazy to hide that word. By now that is the favorite word of most children her age, so I count it a success (though we may have just delayed the inevitable).