The Phoenix Zoo!
We just had to go one more time before we left. Unfortunately it doesn't open until 9 a.m. now, so it was a bit warm! When we first arrived and received the map I asked Abby what she wanted to see. She said, "Elephant." I searched the map for the elephants and could not find them. I finally jokingly asked Abby where the elephants were and she pointed to this tiny drawing of an elephant. She was absolutely right. I cannot believe how smart she is.
We saw all kinds of animals--see pictures below. We also rode the Safari Train for the first time and played in the Splash Park.
We saw a whole bunch of turtles and they came right up out of the water. We were afraid to scare them away, but we probably could have touched them.
Abby brushed the goats and tried to say hello to a sleeping goat.
After petting the goats Abby played on the "Little People" play area.
4 warty pigs (that is what the sign said).
Three tortoises!
The giraffes from the Safari Train.

The splash park has the coolest cave with water and slides.
Jen and Abby
After a long morning at the zoo we came home, ate, and Abby took a nap. Then it was time to go teach Hannah her final piano lesson (although I think I am going to give her a lesson when I have to return to Phoenix each month). I absolutely love their family so much. They have been such a blessing in my life. They fed us dinner and let Abby take a bath in their bathtub since we are permanently without hot water!
They gave us the nicest gifts. I've always eyed the large pictures of Christ at Deseret Book but did not think I would get one any time soon. They gave us the most beautiful framed picture and the plaque at the bottom says, "Gentle Healer." They also gave Abby a picture of Christ with a little girl for her bedroom. They are so very kind.
When I went to the mailbox after the Zoo today there was a piece of paper sitting on top of our mail that said, "Today will be beautiful." I do not know who made it (my guess is Natalie). It was very cute, creative and thoughtful. It made my day.
Here is a video of our unforgettable time at the Phoenix Zoo.

We saw a whole bunch of turtles and they came right up out of the water. We were afraid to scare them away, but we probably could have touched them.