I've been finishing the 2011 blog book and here it is! 230 pages long!
Now to catch up on 2012.....
It would not be Easter without dying Easter eggs. Abby and Grandma Barbara had so much fun together. Grandpa Roger and Lily played around on the couch during the Easter egg dying.

Sunday morning (April 8) and the traditional Easter baskets with a few gifts--trains, matching dresses and.....bikes! Yes, the girls were pretty ecstatic about their bikes. Lily's stands up too and will help her learn to walk and chase Abby. Abby got a Lightning McQueen bike and could hardly contain her excitement. She told her Primary teacher, Brother Pitts all about it during the middle of Primary!

My Easter present--yummy recipes that I can fix in the morning and not have to worry about dinner after I finish teaching piano lessons. Now I need a new crock pot. Mine is old and it takes about 10 hours to get anything really cooked!

Pictures before Church

We did our Easter egg hunt after Church--we didn't do it before because I had a choir rehearsal since the Ward Choir sang for Easter.
An unusual occurrence happened with the choir that day. First of all, we sang on a Fast Sunday and usually there aren't special musical numbers on that Sunday. But the Bishop thought there should be one since it was Easter. But the really unusual part took place at the end of the testimony meeting....Bishop Holladay got up and said he was going to do something different and called the choir up to close the meeting with the song we sang at the beginning, "Come Unto Him." I was shocked! One of our best basses did not come up--he was outside with his grandson and did not here the Bishops request! They sang very beautifully and the spirit was felt by all, I hope. Later the Bishop told me he wanted the spirit he felt at the beginning to be there as we closed. I've never had an encore performance in the same Sacrament meeting before!
Abby had so much fun looking for eggs and Lily enjoyed watching and holding her egg.

Look at the fish--they are growing.

Since Matt's birthday was so close to Easter we went ahead and celebrated while his parents were at our house. He was very excited about the tactical vest which he's asked for, for a very long time.

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday morning (April 8) and the traditional Easter baskets with a few gifts--trains, matching dresses and.....bikes! Yes, the girls were pretty ecstatic about their bikes. Lily's stands up too and will help her learn to walk and chase Abby. Abby got a Lightning McQueen bike and could hardly contain her excitement. She told her Primary teacher, Brother Pitts all about it during the middle of Primary!

My Easter present--yummy recipes that I can fix in the morning and not have to worry about dinner after I finish teaching piano lessons. Now I need a new crock pot. Mine is old and it takes about 10 hours to get anything really cooked!

Pictures before Church

We did our Easter egg hunt after Church--we didn't do it before because I had a choir rehearsal since the Ward Choir sang for Easter.
An unusual occurrence happened with the choir that day. First of all, we sang on a Fast Sunday and usually there aren't special musical numbers on that Sunday. But the Bishop thought there should be one since it was Easter. But the really unusual part took place at the end of the testimony meeting....Bishop Holladay got up and said he was going to do something different and called the choir up to close the meeting with the song we sang at the beginning, "Come Unto Him." I was shocked! One of our best basses did not come up--he was outside with his grandson and did not here the Bishops request! They sang very beautifully and the spirit was felt by all, I hope. Later the Bishop told me he wanted the spirit he felt at the beginning to be there as we closed. I've never had an encore performance in the same Sacrament meeting before!
Abby had so much fun looking for eggs and Lily enjoyed watching and holding her egg.

Look at the fish--they are growing.

Since Matt's birthday was so close to Easter we went ahead and celebrated while his parents were at our house. He was very excited about the tactical vest which he's asked for, for a very long time.

Happy Easter and Happy Birthday Daddy!