There is much for me to catch up on in regards to the blog, but I want to quickly post 3 funny Abby stories. Abby does a lot of crazy things,
but these 3 stories really make me laugh! I hope they make you laugh too.
Story 1:
We saw Abby's birth mother, Amanda in Utah when we went to see my brother Brent's baby blessing of their new little boy, Lincoln. We met her at a mall food court. Abby desperately wanted one of those car strollers that cost a whopping $5. But she wanted it bad! She kept sitting in it, trying to get it to release. But Matt told her that it cost a lot of money and we weren't going to buy one right now. So she thought about it and remembered that she found a penny at the mall and ran back to our table to get it. She proudly started inserting the penny into the machine and was frustrated when Matt told her that was not enough money. So she did some more thinking. Matt could tell she came up with another great idea, so he followed her. She entered a hat store by the food court called, "Lids" and patiently waited in line behind 3 costumers (patiently waiting in line is not one of her strong points). When it was her turn she stepped forward, looked at the cashier who looked at her and then looked at Matt. Matt shrugged his shoulders as to what she was doing. Then Abby held up her penny and pronounced, "I need more money!" The cashier began looking around and in his pockets for a penny or two and Matt brought her back to us and told us the whole story. I nearly wet my pants laughing.
Story 2:
Our next adventure took us on a quick trip to Arizona. While in Arizona we hit the Arizona Mills Mall for some good deals (not so many good deals found in Bakersfield!) and we had to go to the Disney store. Abby looked at the Cars stuff and Toy Story and then made her way over to this wall of Disney basically Barbie dolls. I watched her curiously, as she has not ever expressed an interest in dolls, especially Barbie type dolls. I thought, "Wow, maybe she will like dolls now?" Then she ran back to me with one of the dolls rather excited. I braced myself for what she would show me and low and behold: it was the boy from Tangled! She handed it to me and said, "Look Mommy, it's the boy!" This time I busted out laughing and got some very strange looks from those in the Disney Store.
Story 3:
We've been working on Abby's prayers lately and trying to expand them from her thanking Heavenly Father for the day and asking to see Grandma and Grandpa. We have tried to get her to include things she is thankful for or might need. So the other morning after Matt left for school Abby prayed over her breakfast and in the prayer said, "Please help Heavenly Father to get the brass plates....!" I tried very hard to keep a straight face during the prayer! We read the scriptures at night at had recently read about Nephi obtaining the brass plates. I guess there is a little misunderstanding there. But at least she is getting the idea! I went and got her scriptures and we talked about the story again. But I also called Matt and told him because those moments are too precious to keep to yourself! I guess that's why I'm sharing them with you.
I love my Abby and my Lily and I thank Heavenly Father every single day for blessing me with the two best girls in the whole world. Here is a picture of them just because I believe every blog post should have an adorable picture of the girls! Have a wonderful day and remember that laughter is the best medicine!

but these 3 stories really make me laugh! I hope they make you laugh too.
Story 1:
We saw Abby's birth mother, Amanda in Utah when we went to see my brother Brent's baby blessing of their new little boy, Lincoln. We met her at a mall food court. Abby desperately wanted one of those car strollers that cost a whopping $5. But she wanted it bad! She kept sitting in it, trying to get it to release. But Matt told her that it cost a lot of money and we weren't going to buy one right now. So she thought about it and remembered that she found a penny at the mall and ran back to our table to get it. She proudly started inserting the penny into the machine and was frustrated when Matt told her that was not enough money. So she did some more thinking. Matt could tell she came up with another great idea, so he followed her. She entered a hat store by the food court called, "Lids" and patiently waited in line behind 3 costumers (patiently waiting in line is not one of her strong points). When it was her turn she stepped forward, looked at the cashier who looked at her and then looked at Matt. Matt shrugged his shoulders as to what she was doing. Then Abby held up her penny and pronounced, "I need more money!" The cashier began looking around and in his pockets for a penny or two and Matt brought her back to us and told us the whole story. I nearly wet my pants laughing.
Story 2:
Our next adventure took us on a quick trip to Arizona. While in Arizona we hit the Arizona Mills Mall for some good deals (not so many good deals found in Bakersfield!) and we had to go to the Disney store. Abby looked at the Cars stuff and Toy Story and then made her way over to this wall of Disney basically Barbie dolls. I watched her curiously, as she has not ever expressed an interest in dolls, especially Barbie type dolls. I thought, "Wow, maybe she will like dolls now?" Then she ran back to me with one of the dolls rather excited. I braced myself for what she would show me and low and behold: it was the boy from Tangled! She handed it to me and said, "Look Mommy, it's the boy!" This time I busted out laughing and got some very strange looks from those in the Disney Store.
Story 3:
We've been working on Abby's prayers lately and trying to expand them from her thanking Heavenly Father for the day and asking to see Grandma and Grandpa. We have tried to get her to include things she is thankful for or might need. So the other morning after Matt left for school Abby prayed over her breakfast and in the prayer said, "Please help Heavenly Father to get the brass plates....!" I tried very hard to keep a straight face during the prayer! We read the scriptures at night at had recently read about Nephi obtaining the brass plates. I guess there is a little misunderstanding there. But at least she is getting the idea! I went and got her scriptures and we talked about the story again. But I also called Matt and told him because those moments are too precious to keep to yourself! I guess that's why I'm sharing them with you.
I love my Abby and my Lily and I thank Heavenly Father every single day for blessing me with the two best girls in the whole world. Here is a picture of them just because I believe every blog post should have an adorable picture of the girls! Have a wonderful day and remember that laughter is the best medicine!