Abby trying to ride Mommy's bike!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Cutest girl ever!
Hooray for finally getting some new pictures! No, we have not replaced our camera--but maybe tomorrow! I just had to get some pictures up! Our Abby just grows up so quickly.
Abby trying to ride Mommy's bike!
Abby and the blue jacket: she loves to steal Matt's razors and loves to make fun faces!

Thanksgiving at the Garrett's! We came out early to see our new nephew Dexter! Abby was very excited to see everyone as you can see from her outstretched arms to Grandma. She is giving her a "big love!"
Here is Heather, Brandon, Dexter, Matt, Jen and Abby! Happy Family!

Abby trying to ride Mommy's bike!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Not Dartmouth

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Visitors to the Blog
Okay, so that last posting set off a few hostile responses. In an effort to be more inclusive, here is a new list of the most frequent sources of visits in just the last 6 months:
1. Tempe - 446 visits
2. Lacey - 232 visits (so that's more than once a day)
3. Vacaville - 178 visits (about once per day)
4. Salt Lake City - 163 visits
5. Chandler - 157 visits
6. Midvale - 152 visits
7. Mesa - 140 visits
8. Phoenix - 114 visits
9. American Fork - 78 visits
10. Las Vegas - 57 visits
11. Grand Rapids - 51 visits
12. Litchfield Park - 49 visits
13. Cedar City - 45 visits
14. La Mirada - 44 visits (about once every 4 or 5 days)
15. La Vista - 41 visits
16. Baltimore - 40 visits
17. Denver - 40 visits
18. West Jordan - 40 visits
19. Orem - 34 visits
20. Oxnard - 34 visits
21. Provo - 32 visits
22. Gilbert - 30 visits
23. Heber City - 28 visits
24. Casa Grande - 27 visits
25. Bellingham - 26 visits
Others visitors include: Midway, Roseau, Seattle, Missouri City, Sacaton, Woods Cross, Santa Fe Springs, Allentown, Olympia, Tacoma, Ogden, Sandy, Kaysville, Scottsdale, Glendale, Los Angeles, Burnsville, Payallup, Buckeye, Stafford, Lincoln, San Antonio, Roy, South Jordan.
So, I should admit that my family does read the blog. La Mirada issues a hit every four or five days. They just dont read it like Jen's mom who seems to have an addiction!
I like to hope that all those cities which we do not have close friends in just MIGHT be perspective birth mothers checking us out--but probably not. Hopefully somebody finds our blog that wants to give us a little baby.
1. Tempe - 446 visits
2. Lacey - 232 visits (so that's more than once a day)
3. Vacaville - 178 visits (about once per day)
4. Salt Lake City - 163 visits
5. Chandler - 157 visits
6. Midvale - 152 visits
7. Mesa - 140 visits
8. Phoenix - 114 visits
9. American Fork - 78 visits
10. Las Vegas - 57 visits
11. Grand Rapids - 51 visits
12. Litchfield Park - 49 visits
13. Cedar City - 45 visits
14. La Mirada - 44 visits (about once every 4 or 5 days)
15. La Vista - 41 visits
16. Baltimore - 40 visits
17. Denver - 40 visits
18. West Jordan - 40 visits
19. Orem - 34 visits
20. Oxnard - 34 visits
21. Provo - 32 visits
22. Gilbert - 30 visits
23. Heber City - 28 visits
24. Casa Grande - 27 visits
25. Bellingham - 26 visits
Others visitors include: Midway, Roseau, Seattle, Missouri City, Sacaton, Woods Cross, Santa Fe Springs, Allentown, Olympia, Tacoma, Ogden, Sandy, Kaysville, Scottsdale, Glendale, Los Angeles, Burnsville, Payallup, Buckeye, Stafford, Lincoln, San Antonio, Roy, South Jordan.
So, I should admit that my family does read the blog. La Mirada issues a hit every four or five days. They just dont read it like Jen's mom who seems to have an addiction!
I like to hope that all those cities which we do not have close friends in just MIGHT be perspective birth mothers checking us out--but probably not. Hopefully somebody finds our blog that wants to give us a little baby.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Where are Our Friends?
So today I was dinking around the statistics that track who visits our blog, and I thought you might like to know just who is visiting us. The most hits come from Utah, Arizona, California, Washington, and Nebraska--no surprise since we lived in all those states and still have friends and family there. There was one surprise--my family does not read the blog. Below is a list of the top 10 cities from which the most visitors viewed our blog since January 2008 (in order of frequency). Are you on this list?
1. Tempe (AZ) - that would be me
2. Salt Lake City (UT) - Abby's birth mother & family
3. Lacy (WA) - Jen's family
4. Chandler (AZ) - I'm guessing this is Sarah Crandall
5. Midvale (UT)
6. Mesa (AZ)
7. Lincoln (NE)
8. Las Vegas (NV) - Natalie, I suspect
9. Vacaville (CA) - Jen's brother & wife
10. Midvale (UT)
Thanks to everyone who visits our blog--we love to watch the hit counter roll. You'll notice there are no visitors from Southern California (where all of my family lives in one house fully equipped with wireless internet access). La Mirada (near my parent's house) came in at a less than impressive #17, just above Casa Grande (AZ) and West Jordan (UT)--I have no idea who lives in those locations.
1. Tempe (AZ) - that would be me
2. Salt Lake City (UT) - Abby's birth mother & family
3. Lacy (WA) - Jen's family
4. Chandler (AZ) - I'm guessing this is Sarah Crandall
5. Midvale (UT)
6. Mesa (AZ)
7. Lincoln (NE)
8. Las Vegas (NV) - Natalie, I suspect
9. Vacaville (CA) - Jen's brother & wife
10. Midvale (UT)
Thanks to everyone who visits our blog--we love to watch the hit counter roll. You'll notice there are no visitors from Southern California (where all of my family lives in one house fully equipped with wireless internet access). La Mirada (near my parent's house) came in at a less than impressive #17, just above Casa Grande (AZ) and West Jordan (UT)--I have no idea who lives in those locations.
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Thief at FSU
Well I am sad to say that there will not be new pictures on the blog in the next little while because our camera was stolen. Yes, stolen. I (Jen) am at Florida State University finishing up my research for my final paper. On Thursday the graduate students told me I needed to see campus and so they walked over to Starbucks and showed me the beautiful campus. I left my bag in the choral library with at least 4 other bags. They have left their belongings in this room for years without any incident. So upon our return (we were gone about 20-25 minutes) I walked into the room to get my bag because I had an interview with the Director of Choral Activities, Andre Thomas and my bag was not there. Neither was one of the other students bags, but all of the other bags were untouched. Everyone started a search while I went into the interview because he only had limited time. Everyone sprung into action and looked in garbage cans, dumpsters, bushes, etc. but the bags were not found. What was in my bag? My wallet, camera, cell phone and.....all of my research for my final paper that I have collected over these last three trips. I couldn't even think about it. I just prayed....I was interviewing Andre Thomas and at the same time praying! Finally a policeman came and we had to fill out a report. I called Matt and he immediately canceled everything. Then he proceeded to figure out how to get me on the plane, how to get me some money (since that was in the bag), etc. He was amazing.
But there is a pretty happy ending. The dean's of the school of music were also looking for our belongings and came across my bag and the other students stuff in a men's bathroom in a different music building. They walked in and I was afraid to black notebook was inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! Prayer does work I tell you--never doubt! So I am sad to say the thief took my beloved camera and cell phone and some money. But those things can be replaced. So please be patient while my amazing husband searches us out a new (cheap but excellent) camera.
I am so thankful to Grandma and Grandpa Garrett who came to play with Abby so that Matt could still teach and write his dissertation while I was gone. This was the first trip I could not take her on (couldn't leave her in a very cheap hotel with lots of little ants in the bathroom during the day). It was so, so, so very hard to be away from her. She's my traveling buddy. But Grandma and Grandpa have taken wonderful care of her. She will not want them to leave! Florida State was wonderful (except for losing my things) and I am very excited to go home tomorrow!
But there is a pretty happy ending. The dean's of the school of music were also looking for our belongings and came across my bag and the other students stuff in a men's bathroom in a different music building. They walked in and I was afraid to black notebook was inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray! Prayer does work I tell you--never doubt! So I am sad to say the thief took my beloved camera and cell phone and some money. But those things can be replaced. So please be patient while my amazing husband searches us out a new (cheap but excellent) camera.
I am so thankful to Grandma and Grandpa Garrett who came to play with Abby so that Matt could still teach and write his dissertation while I was gone. This was the first trip I could not take her on (couldn't leave her in a very cheap hotel with lots of little ants in the bathroom during the day). It was so, so, so very hard to be away from her. She's my traveling buddy. But Grandma and Grandpa have taken wonderful care of her. She will not want them to leave! Florida State was wonderful (except for losing my things) and I am very excited to go home tomorrow!
Monday, November 2, 2009
More October Adventures!
First of all, Abby is just cute! I can now braid her hair in various ways and this was our first attempt braiding pig tails!
On October 24th my ASU Women's Chorus performed at Camelback Bible Church with the Men's Chorus. The women were truly amazing and I am so proud to conduct them. I will later post a recording of their performance, but this is a picture of me conducting their processional. They surrounded the audience and sang three African pieces. Way to go ladies!
I have an incredible seminary building to teach in. We are very lucky to have it and recently an air hockey table was donated! But the seminary building has some issues--one of the doors will not unlock so we prop it open (birds have flown in twice!), and we have some bugs. Here is a picture of the scorpion that almost stung me last week. I was all alone after the students left, packing up my things and I looked down and this was maybe 2 inches from my big toe. Yikes!
This past week (October 27-31) Abby and I flew to Minnesota to do research for my final paper so that I can actually graduate! Matt stayed in Tempe to teach his classes and work on his dissertation. He had a very productive few days. Abby and I went to Northfield, MN to see St. Olaf College. My cousin Melissa just happens to live less than a mile from the school so we were extremely fortunate to be able to stay with her. Abby absolutely loved Melissa, her daughter Lexus and husband Jeremy. We are so very grateful that they allowed us to stay. Melissa was so wonderful--watching Abby while I went up to the school and even having dinner ready when I finished each day. Lexy played with Abby and Abby just loved her! Thanks Melissa & Lexy!
While at St. Olaf I had the opportunity to see some amazing choirs and very dedicated directors and students. I saw two rehearsals of their St. Olaf Choir and was blown away by the dedication of the students. They have an incredible program and I feel I gained much more than my research while I was there. I feel renewed as a conductor, teacher and person. I was fortunate to interview a renowned conductor, Anton Armstrong for two hours at his home. Here is a picture of my with Anton Armstrong after their Friday rehearsal.
Abby and I flew home on Saturday--Halloween! She was able to sit in her own seat like a big girl! She kept saying, "side, side" which means "outside." She loved looking out the window and trying to climb up the seat she was sitting in. It was a long process to get from Minnesota to Phoenix, but we both made it safe and sound! She is the best traveling buddy I could ever ask for!
Our Church had a wonderful Trunk or Treat with dinner outside and a Harry Potter theme inside. It was designed like Diagon Alley and featured Olivander's Wand Shop, Flourish and Blotts and more! It was a great party. Here is a picture of one of the Wand Shop.
Matt, Abby and dressed up as witches and a wizard. Matt with his amazing ability to find great things on-line for low prices found his wizard costume and my witch costume. Abby's very cute costume came from my sister Tiff. Thanks Tiff! Our costumes were a hit. No one knew who Matt was, I was mistaken for one of the young women a couple times (must be the wig), and everyone, I mean everyone thought Abby was simply adorable. They were still talking about how cute she was at Church on Sunday!

Abby and her very cute friend Indy Lee!
Matt and Abby "Trunk or Treating!" We didn't really get much candy. We don't need it!
Jen and Abby at the cake walk. We won yummy cupcakes!
What an incredible October!
Abby and her very cute friend Indy Lee!
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