Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Arizona In Fast Forward

This post is called "Arizona in fast forward" because that's exactly how it felt. Abby and I were supposed to leave Sunday the 17th, but Saturday night we heard about a baby that had just been born in the hospital and there was a chance we might be able to see her and possibly adopt her. So we waited. . . .and waited. . . .by the phone. Finally Monday afternoon things did not look very good and Abby and I left for an appointment Tuesday morning. We arrive after 10:30 p.m. and then left early Wednesday morning. Too much driving for such a short visit!
But we did manage to see a few people while we were there.
My friend Lorraine and I.
Smolnik's and their new home.
I adore frozen yogurt and we managed to get some the night before we left with Tod, Illeva, Natalie, and Abby.
We really enjoy California but we still miss Tempe!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Family Memories

We love having Matt's family close to us and try to see them as often as we can. Thursday, July 14th I had some appointments at UCLA, so Grandma and Grandpa met us afterwards for lunch at the California Pizza Kitchen. None of us had been there before and we enjoyed our lunch.
That following weekend Heather, Brandon and Dexter came to our house for a visit. We had so much fun with them and hope they come back very soon.
Saturday morning we left Dexter and Abby with our friend and the rest of us went and saw the last Harry Potter. I've read all of the books and enjoyed it very much. It's nice to see something you envision in your mind, put on a big screen. Although, things are different than in the book, but I knew that going in and just enjoyed what I saw. It was sort of a sad feeling to see it end. We really enjoyed our double date!
Heather and Brandon.
Here is a picture of the shed Matt built while we were in Washington. He poured the foundation himself! Quite the handy man.
Abby and Dex.
Playing at the park.
Dog piling Uncle Matt.
Campfire in the backyard. . . .smores. . . .yum. (We did burn a yellow circle in our grass though!)
There's nothing like family memories.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Preschool Swim Party

Can you believe my baby is going to be going to preschool this fall? Crazy. I remember when she was 4 pounds! A wonderful woman in our ward does a playschool/preschool and it seems perfect for Abby. She will learn from someone besides me, and play and eat with other kids her age. She is soooooooooooooo excited about school. Maybe that's because she's seen us do so much school! On July 13th she went to her preschool swim party and had so much fun. She wants to start school now. Too bad it does not begin until September 7th.
Watch out preschool, here comes Abby Garrett!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Returning to Cali

Late on July 11th, Abby and I returned from our Washington trip. We were very excited to see Matt (Daddy) again and the next morning we were thrown back into our regular routine. Abby had gymnastics and her first dance class! Matt purchased her ballet and tap shoes and she tried them on Abby before we left.
Let's go guys!
Abby dances all of the time--sometimes I can't get her to stay where I can see her in stories because she wants to be out in the middle of wherever she is, dancing. Many a crowd has watched her--especially at the grocery store. But this was different. She seems to get more nervous in a controlled situation like a dance class and she stood still for much of the class, watching the teachers and the other kids. She did not cry, but she did not dance unless the teachers helped her individually. By the end of the class she was more comfortable and I had to remind myself that gymnastics started out more that way and now she bounds through the gym door without even looking back. So I think this will just take a little time.
Here are some pictures of her first day.
Our garden also took off while I was gone. Check out the tomatoes and strawberries!
I love gardens!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Last From Washington

On our final day in Washington we spent time with my sister and her incredible kids. I say incredible because they really are. Brynley, Kylee, Kennedy and Caleb are so much fun and Abby gets so excited to see them.
Abby first got a hair trim from the best stylist in the world--Tiff.
Then we went to a cupcake factory and the girls ate some gourmet cupcakes.

Finally we had to make our way to the airport and Abby loves to fly. She even got to talk to the pilot when we stopped and push a few buttons. That was her favorite part of the flight.
We are so grateful we spent 3 weeks in Washington and look forward to going back.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

STP Adventure

On July 9th and 10th Abby and I was fortunate to see my Dad (he's going to be 62 on August 5th) ride his bike in the Seattle to Portland (STP)--over 200 mile bike ride! I am so proud of him and so happy I was able to see him do it. What an accomplishment! Way to go Dad!
But it did begin a little rough. . . .
On the 8th he was testing out his bike and went up part of the hill in front of their house to see if everything was working smoothly. He then watched as a firetruck came down the hill and was not watching as his front tire went into a large hole and kicked him off his bike onto his shoulder on the pavement. I rarely see my Dad think anything is painful and as he laid on the living room floor I could tell he was in serious pain. Some worried that he would not be able to ride, but I didn't think he was going to let anything stop him.
Picture of dinner--Wendie and her kids (Kylee and Kevin).
That night we went up to Shakespeare's so that we could leave early in the morning the next day for the race.
Grandma and Kylee.
My Dad's brother, Jon came from Idaho to do the race. It was also his birthday!
Jeremiah helping Caleb to some yummy cake.
July 9: First day of the race! Beginning with breakfast.
Bikes in the van.
Meeting up with everyone and getting ready.
I got to take Jeremiah, Dad and Jon up to the race.
All 5 are ready: Jon, Jerry, ?, Dad, Jeremiah
Off they go!
First pit stop.
We met up with the riders for lunch at a park.
Shakespeare's after Jeremiah finished part of the first day.
Tiff took the kids back to Grandma and Grandpa's house and Mom and I followed the riders to their pit stop in Winlock.

Then we drove back to Grandma's and Grandpa's for some lasagna dinner. The riders were tired but feeling good.
The next morning the riders met at Winlock to finish the race.
We met them at the finish line in Portland. I worked really hard to find a place where my Mom could see my Dad cross the finish line. She was in her wheelchair, so that was a bit tricky. We waited quite a while to see them cross the finish line, but eventually we did. One of my favorite parts was when my Dad saw my Mom at the finish line. I won't forget that.
On the ride home Abby took Uncle Jon's helmet and loved wearing it. What a great adventure! I'm so proud of you Dad.

On another topic--my amazingly wonderful sister, Tiffany took me to get a pedicure and lunch on my last day in Washington. A girl came and watched all of the kids and we just escaped for a while. We don't get to do that very often and even though I wanted it to be longer, it was amazing. She is the best person to talk to and I only wish we did not live so far away. She is the best friend and sister I could ever hope to have. Love you Tiff! We must do this again.