We just returned home from Stake Conference and I am so proud of the Young Single Adult Choir I had the opportunity to work with. I've conducted a lot of choirs--university, schools, community and more and I just love conducting choirs for the Church. It is so wonderful to be able to bear testimony through music. Many people came forward to express their enthusiasm about the choir and their beautiful music.
One woman stood in front of me with tears in her eyes and said,
"No choir has ever touched me like this one did today." I love making music in the Church.
One woman stood in front of me with tears in her eyes and said,
"No choir has ever touched me like this one did today." I love making music in the Church.
Now on to February....
The month began with a quick trip down to LA for my cousin Mandy's baby blessing. We drove down on Saturday so that Matt could take the young men and young women to the temple to do baptisms. The girls and I played with Grandma, Grandpa and Dexter!
Our brother-in-law, Brandon made Matt the coolest signs for our "sports" loft. It will take a long time to get the things we want, but the signs are a great start.
Don't they look amazing?
We enjoyed a little time with Matt's family and then Sunday we went to the blessing of Avonlea. She is just beautiful and we were also able to so my Aunt Christie and Uncle Jerry. I am so glad we were able to go.

On Tuesday, February 7th I had some music on and Abby and I were having one of our dance parties when I suddenly realized she had all of her cars lined up facing us.
She then told me they were watching her dance!
That same day Abby and I were doing preschool stuff and she is getting really good at gluing.
While we were working on things I set up Lily's musical table on her lap and
she had so much fun as you can see.
The morning of February 9th Abby and I went over to CSUB because I ran a high school "Singing the Musical Theatre Songs" workshop. One of the CSUB students played with Abby for a little while and I loved working with the students. We learned the song, "You Can't Stop the Beat" from "Hairspray" and I taught them some foundations of good singing. Then we ran as quickly as we could to her dance class. We were late, but still caught most of the class. We made cookies and took them to her class since she was turning four the next day. She loved passing out the treats.

Abby is four--that's so crazy. I remember the first time she looked into my eyes at the hospital and it seems like yesterday. Yet so much has happened since then it seems like an eternity! Time is such a strange thing. Thursday night we drove down to Grandma and Grandpa's so that we could be ready for Disneyland on Abby's birthday! We had the best day together. We did everything Abby wanted to do and Lily didn't cry once the whole day. We have the best girls!
Here are some pictures:

Grandma and Grandpa gave Abby money for her birthday to spend in Disneyland. She got a churro, remote control Mickey train, plate and silverware of Cars and Toy Story characters and three flexible Toy Story characters. She even has $10 left!

We played so hard that when I put Abby in the bath at Grandma's she fell asleep!
What an amazing birthday!!!
So the next morning we actually celebrated with cake and presents because Grandma worked all night and arrived home at 8 a.m.
Double chocolate cake at 10 a.m.! What a breakfast! This cake has a story though. Abby decided she wanted a "Pirate Mickey" birthday party so I had to find a way to make a pirate ship cake and incorporate Mickey into it. After we got Abby in bed after Disneyland I stayed up late and then got up early to make this cake. I was proud of the cake, but unfortunately it started to crack in the middle and I had to pray it would stay together so that we could take pictures and eat it!

A few gifts....she had to get cars of course.
Grandma and Grandpa Wilcox sent Abby a great gift.
Gifts from Dexter, Heather and Brandon!
Lily gave Abby a new Thomas the Train book and Abby had to give her a big hug!

What a great birthday--she basically had a two-day birthday--lucky girl!
After we drove home we picked up a great babysitter--Devan and she watched Abby and Lily while we went out with our friends, Megan and Devin. We went out to a Japanese restaurant and had really good food and then went to a play!
We had so much fun and we cannot wait to go out with them again!
When we arrived home we found Abby and Devan asleep on the couch--how cute!
Well I'm not completely caught up for February, but I'm getting pretty close.
Now I shall go to bed so that I can be my best me tomorrow!
The month began with a quick trip down to LA for my cousin Mandy's baby blessing. We drove down on Saturday so that Matt could take the young men and young women to the temple to do baptisms. The girls and I played with Grandma, Grandpa and Dexter!

Don't they look amazing?

She then told me they were watching her dance!

she had so much fun as you can see.

Here are some pictures:

What an amazing birthday!!!

Double chocolate cake at 10 a.m.! What a breakfast! This cake has a story though. Abby decided she wanted a "Pirate Mickey" birthday party so I had to find a way to make a pirate ship cake and incorporate Mickey into it. After we got Abby in bed after Disneyland I stayed up late and then got up early to make this cake. I was proud of the cake, but unfortunately it started to crack in the middle and I had to pray it would stay together so that we could take pictures and eat it!

After we drove home we picked up a great babysitter--Devan and she watched Abby and Lily while we went out with our friends, Megan and Devin. We went out to a Japanese restaurant and had really good food and then went to a play!
We had so much fun and we cannot wait to go out with them again!

Now I shall go to bed so that I can be my best me tomorrow!