We've been gathering cloths and furniture for the nursery. Jen's sister Tiffany has twin girls and two of everything, so we now have lots of cloths for a 0-1 year old. Tiff has good fashion sense so we appreciate all the clothes. They would cost a ton to purchase. Also, we did purchasae some furniture at IKEA and painted an old bookshelf white to match.

The nursery will probably get painted a light pastel green or yellow--Tinkerbell is our motivation but we'll keep her images to a minimum. We both love Disney so there will be some of that in the room, but again, we're also minimalists so that stuff will be limited.
Today we're off to Baby's R Us with our new found 15% off coupon. We still need to purchase a crib and a sliding/rocking chair. Thank goodness my mom gave us a lump of cash for Christmas. It was specifically addressed to the baby. That makes much of this possible. LDS Services is a very inexpensive compared to other adoption agencies, but it is still pretty pricey for a couple of graduate students. That, with all the materials to prepare for a baby, can break the bank. It is a good thing we have such generous family and friends.
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