Now Abby can travel in style. Tiff (Jen's sister) bought us a BabyBjorn so now when we go out Abby can see the world. We took it out to the mall and that was a hit, so on Saturday we used it to visit the Heard Museum in Phoenix.
The Heard Museum specializes in Indian art and history, and the best exhibit is on about the Indian boarding school era. This is complimentary to my own research on the Mormon Indian Placement Program. Abby loved the museum.
Here is a Navajo sand drawing of the creations. Traditional Navajo beliefs teach that we are living in the fifth world, and that there were four before this one. Each imploded on itself as the succeeding world rose up from below. Similar patterns of self-destruction occurred in all worlds so the Navajos place a high priority on one principle above all others: balance (dont screw up this physical-spirutal-social world!). This remains the guiding rule among many Navajos--balance in your interpersonal relations, balance with nature, balance with God, etc. Find balance.
We took a few pictures outside the Heard:

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