This was Abby's first Christmas. We spent it with Jen's family in Washington state where we enjoyed an unusually white Christmas. Olympia hasn't had this much snow since the 1980s. We barely got into town and once we got to her folks house we were snowed in for days.

Below are Kevin (Jen's brother) and his son Noah, and Brent (Jen's brother) and Nicole (his wife) holding Abby. Isn't this snow man awesome?

Abby received lots of little gifts, including this Alphabet Train that teaches the ABCs.

I received a Fossil brand BYU watch. Go Cougs!

Jen's favorite gift was a tempo watch (a fancy shmanshy conductor's tool that tells you how fast you are conducting--the opposite of a metronome).

And midway through our visit Jen's sister gave Jen a new look--how do you like the short hair? Now she and Abby have the same style. I think short hair is hot, but you have to be beautiful to pull it off (see example below).

Well, we've got a few more days on our little trip here in Washington--I'll keep you informed if anything interesting happens, or if I find a useful video among the 200 clips people recorded. We had three cameras (often taking video) and three high def video cameras taking shots here on Christmas day. I think we've got every angle imaginable, but its a beast to sort through. Note to self--take fewer and shorter videos.