Does this look like the face of a child who eats cockroaches?

Maybe not, but when we found this today all the parts were not there.

Last weekend we visited my parents in Southern California. We went down to the beach and rode a trolley along the shoreline.

Abby rode on a carousel with my mom. She likes to experiment and try new things (see cockroach photo above), but this was a scary experience for her.
Sick. Sick. Sick. I hate cocroaches. And now precious Abby has parts of them in her belly? Yuck. :) BTW Jen, I just bought tix to see your concert on Monday. Can't wait!!
We are not allowed to say the full name of the "C" bug at my mom's house... to many bad experiences in Mississippi.
ha ha!!! you've got to be kidding me!! send her on fear factor or something, she can out do anybody! ha ha that's the funniest thing i've heard all week! go Ablicious!
Hey Jen and Matt,
Your daughter is beautiful, congratulations, I hope life is treating you well. Me and My family are living in St. Louis these days, and we like it here a lot. My blogspot is We don't update it very much, but I hope you are doing well and having a Merry Christmas.. I miss the choir and all of our Christmas songs.. Thanks for making that part of my life special and unforgettable.. Your favorite Baritone... Bobby Haering
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