The Vacation Continues...
In northern California Jen's family found another pool--this one is at Alix's parents' house. We spent a lot of time there and it was fun.

Grandma took some time out of the water to sit with Preston (Kevin & Alix's baby boy), Abby, and one of the twins (hey, they are hard enough to tell apart in person, so give me some slack on the photo).

Abby enjoyed the trampoline.

We took a family photo.

We also watched fireworks on Friday, July 3rd, at the country club where Alix's folks are members. We got to sit on a golf course, play some games, and chase Abby a bit. It was fun, but it would be more fun if we had an adopted sibling for her to play with!

One day Tiff gave haircuts, and Nicole lamented not learning how to cut hair so I demonstrated my trust in her steady hand and we all gave her pointers as she carved up my head. She did a great job, and now she's ready to open her own shop.

On another day Kevin and the girls all went to the nearby park. Inst Abby adorable?

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