So today I was dinking around the statistics that track who visits our blog, and I thought you might like to know just who is visiting us. The most hits come from Utah, Arizona, California, Washington, and Nebraska--no surprise since we lived in all those states and still have friends and family there. There was one surprise--my family does not read the blog. Below is a list of the top 10 cities from which the most visitors viewed our blog since January 2008 (in order of frequency). Are you on this list?
1. Tempe (AZ) - that would be me
2. Salt Lake City (UT) - Abby's birth mother & family
3. Lacy (WA) - Jen's family
4. Chandler (AZ) - I'm guessing this is Sarah Crandall
5. Midvale (UT)
6. Mesa (AZ)
7. Lincoln (NE)
8. Las Vegas (NV) - Natalie, I suspect
9. Vacaville (CA) - Jen's brother & wife
10. Midvale (UT)
Thanks to everyone who visits our blog--we love to watch the hit counter roll. You'll notice there are no visitors from Southern California (where all of my family lives in one house fully equipped with wireless internet access). La Mirada (near my parent's house) came in at a less than impressive #17, just above Casa Grande (AZ) and West Jordan (UT)--I have no idea who lives in those locations.
What about San Antonio, Texas???
Where is the shoutout to the heartland?
We're in Mesa, but I do most of my blog reading via Google Reader, so I'm not sure it counts me. Also, my parents live in CG. Mom, Dad, have you been stalking our friends?
Drat, I didn't make the list. I'm going to start coming to your blog several times a day now to pad the numbers in my favor. :-)
ok buttead...
1) i read ur blog EVERYTIME there is a new blog
2) the internet has been down and even still i have been checking your blog at the library
3) i inform everyone when there's a new blog/video of abby, it's not my fault if they read it or not
4) out of everyone living here i'm on the net the LEAST by far and i read ur blog the most. plus, i have commented on ur blog several times (even though you don't comment on ours) so i think i'm entitled to a little credit. so there mr. grumpy pants!
PS: i figured out why i don't show up. look at our profile. our location says utah still. i never changed it after we moved back because i hardly ever blog. that's why i don't come up. i'll change it AFTER you check it and AFTER you issue a retraction (or at least an 'i'm sorry, sis, you're the better sibling'). booyah! 2 pts for the less educated, un-employed, younger sibling! :)
Heather, actually, the location is determined by your geographic location--not any setting on your computer.
The West Jordan is probably me! Russell fam lives there and I always show them pics of Abby!
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