Besides Mazatlan and graduation we have experienced other fun adventures in the last month or two. Here are a few examples.
Matt, Abby, and I took my seminary kids (whom I love to death) to the Mesa Easter Pageant. They brought a lot of friends and we had a blast!

I also had an incredible final concert with the ASU Women's Chorus. I was fortunate to conduct them for two years (quite unusual for a graduate student) and was so sad to see it end. We had over 80 women this year--more than any other ASU Women's Chorus! I am so proud of them. Here is a picture of me conducting the women's final piece at the concert and one with my wonderful friend, and colleague, Carric Smolnik who conducted the Men's Chorus. I only hope Carric and I have many more opportunities to work together. We make quite a team!

A few days after the concert we went to an outdoor movie at Kiwanis Park with our good friends Richard and Janine Jones. We all had a great time and the kids mainly just wanted to run around! As you can see in the second picture, Abby found the homemade chocolate chip cookies!

Abby loves to be outside and frequently pretends she is outside when she is inside! Here is one of our "picnics" on the kitchen floor.
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