We had a great time while family was here for graduation and here are even more examples.
Abby loves to swim and asks everyday to go

Abby also has a thing for trains which she calls "choo-choos."
We found a train park and Abby was very excited.
Here you can see the path of the train.

On the train with Grandma's and Grandpa's.

Abby and "choo-choo" Grandpa!

Friday night before people began to go back home we showed an outdoor movie. We borrowed a projector from our friends and Matt set the whole thing up. We watched "Avatar." We also ate dinner and ate smores! It was unforgettable and I want to do it again!

And just some candid shots.
Here is Matt with Caleb and Abby.

Grandpa Mark playing the piano with Caleb on his lap.
Caleb loved it until he started slipping down!

Tiff and Jen after Tiff cut and styled Jen's hair!

I love our family!!!
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