We love summer! We are having so much fun and thought we would share a little of it with you. It is hot in Arizona as you would expect so if we are outside we are usually in the water! We also find creative things to do inside as you will see. Have fun with the photos. By the way, if you didn't know, you can print your blog! We just printed 2008 and 2009. You have to do some rearranging, but it doesn't take too long. You just go to a site called "blurb." It's a great journal!
Here is Abby in her small kiddie pool in our yard. We usually practice throwing the ball while she is in the pool!

We have been enjoying friends every Sunday after Church and on the 20th we invited Paul, Carly and Adelaide Aylworth over for dinner. Adelaide is learning to crawl and can get around pretty well now. She and Abby played on the floor. Paul also like to make Abby laugh, so he turned her upside down. She obviously loved it!

Abby's first time with corn on the cob! I usually cut off the corn for her, but she wanted my piece so I gave it to her. She proceeded to finish it off for me!

I already posted pictures of Abby's dance class, so I won't post more, but I thought the picture of Abby and her friend Indy holding hands after dance class was priceless! We are going to enroll for another 4 week dance class because Abby really enjoyed it and it only costs $12.

Thursday the 24th we swam for playgroup. Natalie came along and swam with Abby! Abby practiced jumping in and learning to swim. Thanks Nat!

Friday the 25th I met with some friends and one of the ASU voice teachers--David Britton for lunch at Wildflower in the Chandler Mall. Yes, that meant a train ride again! Each of us have taken voice lessons or played for voice lessons with David Britton, so we looked at pictures and talked and laughed. We all have kids now so it made it a little crazy!

Sadie & Lyndsey, Joseph & Sara, Ginger & Tiffany, Tiff's son & David, Abby & Jen

Abby talks to Lyndsey--doesn't she look like a little girl, just talking away to someone!

I am making a t-shirt quilt of all of our old t-shirts that we cannot bear to throw away. On Saturday the 26th while I was cutting the t-shirts into squares Matt grabbed one of his old t-shirts that I already cut the front off and turned it into a cape for Abby. She loves to run around and fly!

Abby loves to use the laptop from the Shakespeare's as a way to play music she can dance to. She also loves to come up to Matt and I and pat us and say "watch, watch" until we commit to watch!
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