Saturday, August 14, 2010

Matt's 16th B-Day Party

As you may recall, not too long ago I posted two video clips from Jen's high school years. In the spirit of equality I told Jen that I would digitize and post a clip from the only video that exists of me during my high school years. Below is a three minute clip from a surprise party for my 16th birthday (1994). I'm the lanky tall kid with really ugly glasses and poofy hair. In my defense, I should point out, I'm also the guy with lots of girls hanging around (and the video reminds me of the weird girl who would not leave me alone the whole night--you will see).

Note: When I converted this down to a size that youtube would accept the video and audio got off a little. Fear not, my original is correct.

For anyone twisted enough to want to watch the full ten minutes (perhaps an old high school friend looking for your ten seconds of fame) you can watch the full video on youtube at:

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