I have something to show that I am quite proud of! We can't really afford to furnish our beautiful house yet (especially since we always have to keep the money for adoption--just in case!), but we needed a couple shelves just to get things out of boxes. So we bought shelves for the music room (yes I now have a music room!) and the playroom. I am proud because Matt went to school and I put the music room shelves together by myself while Abby constantly ran away with the important pieces and tools. I got the shelves together and then had to stand them up! I did it! Much of the day was spent trying to sort out a whole lot of mixed up music so that I could teach piano lessons in a room that was organized. We barely made it and my new students (about 6 of them so far) are absolutely wonderful. I look forward to helping them discover the joys of music through the piano.

Yeah for you Jen - You really ARE the woman that can do it all! Plus - they look good too!
LOVE the shelves. The black is fierce!
Dex just eats his books. :)
Looks good! Nice work kids! Have a fun time making new life in Bakersfield!
Jen - You rock - I can't believe you actually put those together! They look great too! :) - Well, not that you aren't capable of doing just about anything! Congrats on your new place - it's beautiful!
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