Happy Halloween! We had a great Halloween--party at the Church on Saturday and a dinner party at our new Bishop's house on Sunday. We were happy to be invited to the Bishop's and get to make some new friends. Our Ward is very friendly and were very complimentary of the talks that Matt and I gave yesterday in Church. Matt spoke on Elder Uchtdorf's conference talk about slowing down and I spoke on the Role of Music in the Church. I struggled to keep my talk to 15 minutes because there are so many stories! I decided I would just save some of them for my new ward choir. Yes, I am the Ward Choir Director and the Ward Music Chairman. Is anyone surprised? I didn't think so. It's what I love to do, so I am a happy camper. Before I show you Halloween pictures, let's back up a bit!
On October 22 I began the adventure of potty training Abby. We've been using the toilet and things like that for a while, but we got intense on Friday! The night before Matt and I covered all the carpet with cardboard and a tarp for the playroom. We also placed all the pillows on the couch so that she could not climb on the couch and placed the love seat in hallway to block off the rest of the house. That we we could keep things in one central location and avoid ruining any new carpet! It worked pretty well. Here is a picture.
Until 5 p.m it was pretty frustrating and I tried to stay very, very positive. Just when I thought this might not have been the way to go about this she suddenly ran over to her little potty chair, and went to the bathroom. I was so excited! We all did the happy dance and Abby got a new train book as a reward. We did the same thing on Saturday and she even did her other business in the toilet. Since then she has done pretty well, but I don't think we are quite ready to brave to much time in public. We did go on quite a long walk today and she handled herself very well. I am very proud of her efforts and know that she is trying!
Matt has been working hard on the backyard and the sprinkler and drainage system is almost in place. We are nearly ready for cement! Here are some pictures.
Hope you do not mind a sort of naked picture of our cute Abby. She wanted to play in the mud with Dad while I practiced the piano for a recital at Cal State Bakersfield, so I sent her out naked! She found the mudiest place she could find and had a blast!
Check out the grasshopper on our screen. I do not want to meet up with this thing outside!
Monday, the 25th Abby and I went to a pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin.

That night for Family Home Evening we carved the pumpkins. She surprisingly did not want to reach in and clean out the slimy mess. Below you can see our jack-o-lanterns in front of the house!

Thursday the 28th we had our first dinner party at our new home. The Ward does a dinner club rotation and we were asked to host. We found a great deal on a kitchen table and it got here that day! Since we won't get a nice dining table for a while, we put it in the dining room for now. The dinner was a lot of fun and we hope to have many more parties at our new home!
Picture of the kitchen. Now we have bar stools--picture the chairs above pushed up to the bar.
Before we had the party Abby and I tried Grandma Barbara's famous pumpkin bread recipe (Matt loves it). We had quite an adventure since we did the big batch and it overflowed the Kitchen Aid. I learned I do not have a bowl big enough in my kitchen for this recipe! While I dumped some into multiple bowls and tried to mix in the rest of the flour, Abby had a great time making a mess with the flour. We made it through and the bread was a hit. We even cooked it all at the same time and it worked!
Now on to Halloween! Here is the sunrise the morning of Halloween. I realize it's nothing compared to the sunrises Brent and Nicole are seeing in Hawaii, but I still thought it was worth remembering.
Abby received a complete Minnie Mouse costume for her 2nd birthday from her birth Dad's family. Thank you again! I picked up some shoes at the Disney store and then she was set. She loved being Minnie Mouse and everyone thought she was adorable. Here she is at our house before the Ward party.

Abby with Levi and Spencer. Spencer is one of my piano students and Levi loves to come over and play with Abby when his brothers have lessons.
Daddy and Abby trick-or-treating at the Church. Can you tell what Matt is? He was Tom Hanks in the movie the Castaway. He kept asking if people if they'd seen Wilson!
All three of us!
The past Bishop and his wife. He kept eating his hot dogs on his hook. They are very fun and sing in the choir too!
Grandma Karen has been needing a video, so here is a video of Abby at the Ward party. She likes to watch teh Mickey Mouse Club and you can hear here singing their song, "Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog." She also says the magic words, "Miska Mouska, Mickey Mouse!"

Matt has been working hard on the backyard and the sprinkler and drainage system is almost in place. We are nearly ready for cement! Here are some pictures.

She is such a cute Minnie!! and love the kitchen table...
super cute - I love the tarp and cardboard for potty-training. We'll have to remember that :) And your table is beautiful! So happy that you get to do the ward choir again!
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