2011. . . . that will take me a little getting use to! We had a pretty eventful New Year's Eve. But first let's finish up our adventures in Washington. Christmas night we had a great time with my sister Tiff and her family. It began with a little basketball between Jeremiah and Matt up in the game room and turned into a dance fest with the Wii. Abby had so much fun dancing with the girls. It was a pretty good work out!

Here is a picture of the four girls on Sunday after Church.

On Monday, the 27th we all went down to Olympia and stopped at my parents house. They made a lot of changes to their home a while ago and I had not been able to see it. It looks great. Abby and I hung out with Grandma Karen while Matt went and played football. We wanted to go and I wanted to play too, but it was so wet, cold and muddy that we kept Abby at Grandma's. Here is a picture of Abby playing the drums at Grandma's.

After the game Matt walked back in the door completely soaked and exclaimed: "That was so fun!" Here are some funny football pics.

Uncle Brent and Abbs after the football game.

After the boys showered we all went up to my Aunt Christie and Uncle Jerry's for an incredibly good dinner. Jerry slaved over some clam chowder and there was so much other good food. It was so fun to have so many together (we missed you Kevin). Growing up we spent so much time together--I mean a lot of time! Now we are all so spread out and so we treasure any time we have together.
Eating the yummy food.

Doug and Hailey

Doug and Hailey tickle Abbs.

Hailey and Abby.

Caleb, Christie, Tiff, Brynley.

Christie and Jerry play with Abby and Caleb.

Jen, Mandy, Tiff.

Jeremiah, Brynley, Mandy, Russell waiting to play a game. We played Turbo Cranium and unfortunately the boys won!

Matt and Karen.

Kylee and Abby watching a movie downstairs.

Everyone takes a picture before having to say good-bye. We love you all!

The girls saying good-bye on Tuesday the 27th. They were so wonderful to Abby and she misses them so much.

Our drive home was full of adventure. Matt woke up feeling pretty lousy so I drove. We had trouble with the pass after Ashland, Oregon and ended up having to buy chains and wait until the pass opened. Then it was slow going as the semis had not chained up and then got driving and decided they did need chains. So instead of pulling over to the side they simply stopped wherever they felt like it and we were left to go around them like a maze. We left Washington at 10 a.m. and arrived at my brother's in Vacaville at 1:45 a.m. I've never driven that far before! We also have a broken stereo system and so we did not have any music to listen to. I prayed the whole time to stay awake and alert and we did it! The next day we woke up and drove the 5 hours to home. We all walked in the door and just collapsed on the floor for a while!
So back to New Year's Eve! We invited Matt's family up for a grand New Year's Eve party and it ended up that poor cousin Dexter was quite sick. We ate Matt's fabulous chili on baked potatoes kind of early so we could have good munchies later. Then we played a game. Just before we got out all of the appetizer type stuff they decided to take Dexter to urgent care/ER because of his fever and cough. So Matt, Heather, Brandon and Dex left around 8:30 p.m. Barbara and I got all of the food together and put a lot of it outside since it was really chilly (the frig was overflowing). Dexter had an x-ray and a breathing treatment and they finally said it was a virus! Abby fell asleep on Grandma around 10:30 after a long day of playing and no nap. We ended up celebrating the New Year following their return after 1 a.m.! We were eating food at 1:30 a.m.! We didn't get to "ring in" the New Year quite like I planned but the unexpected is fun and will always be remembered! I am just glad everyone could be here and little Dexter is going to be okay.
Here is a picture of the table waiting for everyone to return.

Abby and Grandma reading books while we waited.

They made it home!

Dex feels better.

We still let off a few "poppers" at 1:30!

Happy New Year!
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