I guess the post office has been trying to deliver a package to us since December 18th. We didn't know anything about it until Monday when we received a card saying they were going to send it back. How strange. So we ran to the post office and were surprised with a gigantic box for Abby! Her birth Dad Alex and his wonderful family sent a package and Abby couldn't wait to open it. We are so grateful they would think of her and us.
Abby with the big box
She did not like waiting while I took a picture
Alex's Grandma made a book for her grandchildren to use at Church and sent Abby one too--how thoughtful of her. We hope it will help us keep her reverent during Church!
Abby with the sign they sent that says "Garrett." It will look great in our house
Abby carries around the machine that makes music constantly and draws all kinds of things on the board. She is asleep right now with the beautiful quilt keeping her warm. Thank you Huff family!
Abigail Garrett

Abigail Garrett
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