Can you believe our little girl is 3? It is amazing how time flies. I remember holding her for the first time like it was yesterday. She was so very tiny (4 lbs. 4 oz.) and just stared at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. . . .a moment I will treasure for the rest of my life. I also remember that three years ago there were many nights of no sleep because I just kept praying that Heavenly Father would help Amanda sign the papers that would mean Abby was ours. We were in a constant state of prayer! How unexplainably (I know it's not a word, but it fits!) grateful I am to Amanda for signing the papers. She gave us the greatest gift we could ask for--our Abigail! Now we pray to find her sibling(s)!
So we've had quite a week! First I'll include a few gymnastics pictures because they are pretty cute. Abby had a little trouble listening this week and I had to go in and remind her that she had to listen to Teacher Sunny and do just what she said. She did a little better, but we are working on her listening and obeying skills often!
Abby with Teacher Sunny.
Learning to do a cartwheel.
Abby said she wanted to "Hug Mickey" for her birthday so I got this crazy idea to take her Disneyland for her birthday. So we woke up really early and the two of us drove down and went to Disneyland. Our first stop: the train and then Toon Town to hug Mickey.

She also saw Minnie and showed her the new Minnie shirt she received that morning for her birthday.
Minnie's dishwasher.
Outside Minnie's house.
We also rode the Casey Junior Train--she chose the Animal Cage.
Here she is on the Carousel.
Abby with Woody and Jessie.
I told her she could have one treat in Disneyland (we brought in other food) and so she chose the Pineapple Dole Whip which happens to be my favorite too! Yummy!
Abby used some birthday money to buy a Mickey sweatshirt.
I have to say that this was one of the most special days I've had with Abby. She listened, did not run and hide, held my hand voluntarily and was just the best girl. I was so proud of her and I simply cannot explain how much fun we had together. But we were sad that Daddy could not join us.
Apparently Abby was a little tired because before we got out of the parking structure I looked back and saw. . . .
We then had to drive back because Grandma and Grandpa Garrett were coming up to our house. They picked up Matt from school and soon realized they were locked out of the house because we have special locks so that Abby cannot open the doors! We were still 30 minutes away, so they went over to a restaurant and we met them there.
Friday I decorated the house and Grandma and Grandpa helped so much.
Abby and Grandpa playing with Abby's new Duplo legos. They also went to the store and Grandpa bought peanuts. They ate them outside--pretty cute!
Abby before she left for the store with Grandpa.
I decided I wanted to make Abby a train cake. It ended up taking much of the day! I combined lots of ideas from on-line and it turned out somewhat like I wanted! I found out that chocolate cake mix is not too friendly with frosting--especially small pieces! The engine was a struggle and so I put it in the fridge and went up to take a shower. Matt knew to leave out the blue frosting so that I could finish the engine, but his Dad did not know and washed the bowl! So the engine was what it was! Abby loved the cake and that is what matters anyways! I learned a lot and will do a better job next time!

Grandma Barbara and Choo-choo Grandpa with Abby before the party.
Abby and Jen before the party.
Eating Abby's favorite dinner--spaghetti! I put a trash bag over her (much to her dismay) so that she would not ruin her clothes. We usually stick her in the bath after this meal! Heather, Brandon and Dexter (Matt's sister and family) were so nice to drive up for Abby's party. We are so glad they could come.

We played a pin the number 1 on Thomas game and had a lot of fun.

Brandon being guided into the closet instead of to the paper!

Our friends, the Randall's also came over and we loved having them at the party.
They gave Abby a Thomas backpack--how perfect! Here Abby is with Caleb and Hannah.
Lincoln Logs from Heather, Brandon and Dexter. Watch out Uncles Jeremiah and Brent--she's quite the builder!
Grandma Karen and Grandpa Mark gave Abby a new set to her wooden train and a card. Now her train is bigger and has tunnel! Thanks!
Abby eating the engine!

Let's all eat cake and ice cream!
Today (Saturday) I tried a new breakfast recipe--Caramel Monkey Bread. I should have read the instructions a little more carefully because it took a while! I ended up having to get up at 4 to make it before everyone had to leave! But it was sure good. Here it is before it baked.
Matt found an incredible deal after Thanksgiving on a little 4-wheeler. So we saved it for Abby's birthday. She is learning how to steer!
Today the Huff family (Abby's birth Dad's family) sent Abby a gift in the mail. Abby was so excited to find a card, a Thomas flashlight that talks, and a beautiful dress with a white sweater. She has carried the Thomas around ever since and likes to go into dark rooms so that she can see the light! Thank you so much for thinking of Abby!
Matt decided in order to speed things up in the backyard her should hire one of the young men who is trying to do odd jobs to save money for his upcoming mission, to dig out the pond we want. Abby thought it was a great place to play and wanted to help dig!
Ever since Abby was born I've kept a journal of the things she says, does, and ideas and thoughts from me. I finished her second journal right before her birthday and made the first entry in her new journal on her 3rd birthday. I love being able to tell her about her many adventures and hope that she will enjoy reading it some day!

I have to say that this was one of the most special days I've had with Abby. She listened, did not run and hide, held my hand voluntarily and was just the best girl. I was so proud of her and I simply cannot explain how much fun we had together. But we were sad that Daddy could not join us.

happy birthday abby! wish we could have been there! looks like a great day, and i LOVE that train cake. how fun! :)
What a beautiful thing to do for her! I love the idea of the journals! Happy Birthday Abby!
Happy birthday Abigail! I absolutely love the journal idea and want to start right away!
super fun--I know of a simpler way to make monkey bread. Use one pkg of butterscotch pudding. Melt 1/2 cup butter in microwave with 1/2 cup brown sugar. Put rolls in bundt pan. Sprinkle brown sugar and butter mixture and the butterscotch pudding on. Put out overnight for rolls to rise. Wake up and bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes.
I can't believe she is 3. I remember when your brought her to our house for the first time. She was so little! Glad it has gone well for you!
Happy Birthday, Abby! The cake turned out way cute. I bet that was a lot of work... but it was made with love.
What an awesome day! Happy birthday Abby!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABBY!!! I love that you guys live so close to Disneyland that you can just hop on over for her birthday!! Impressive train Jen! So glad that she blessed your life 3 years ago. What a beautiful ray of sunshine she truly is.
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