Last Saturday we invited our ward over for a party to say farewell to our good friends, the Randall's. He has been a member of the bishopric and a lot of people were very sad to see them leave. So we decided we should have a party! My friend Amanda and I hosted the party and I believe everyone had a great time. People really seemed to like the house and backyard--which made us very happy. They still have a long way to go but we've made so much progress! Below are pictures inside and out (most taken before there was too big of a crowd). The kids especially seemed to enjoy the playground and the rubber mulch!
Before party:

During party:

Abby kept requesting to see the new Disney movie, Tangled again, so I took her last Thursday. It is still at the cheap theater, so that was great. Here she is before it started. This time she was quite afraid of the villain of the show and at one point I had to take her out because she was crying. I felt so bad for her. But she still wants to see it again!
A piece of good news: our LDS Services caseworker called today and our clearances from the other states FINALLY came through. We sent them in October so it took a long time. Our caseworker will be up on Wednesday morning to do our final home inspection and then we should be back up on the website--at long last!
Here are 2 videos. The first is a walk through just as the party started and the second is Sunday night. I directed a stake Women's Choir Sunday evening for the first time--and they will be excellent! I love directing stake choirs! When I came home Abby and Matt had played with a sword left by Abby's friend Caleb and a sword Matt created out of pvc pipe! Abby was so funny I had to film her!

Here are 2 videos. The first is a walk through just as the party started and the second is Sunday night. I directed a stake Women's Choir Sunday evening for the first time--and they will be excellent! I love directing stake choirs! When I came home Abby and Matt had played with a sword left by Abby's friend Caleb and a sword Matt created out of pvc pipe! Abby was so funny I had to film her!